Ion Aramendi debuts job: presenting X Factor

After the surprise absence of Ion Aramendi as presenter of the debates of SurvivorsToday the reasons are finally known. And Telecinco has a new job for him. The journalist will be in charge of presenting Factor Xthe international format that the network recovers after previously broadcasting it on Cuatro, where it launched Angy Fernndez to stardom in 2007, who now competes at the Benidorm Fest.

The contest will return to television with Telecinco, but with lots of news regarding his time in Cuatro. As the chain itself says, there will be changes in its dynamics, in its jury, and with a greater dimension of production, which includes the construction of a new and spectacular platform.

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  • Ion Aramendi debuts job: presenting X Factor

    I bought those items to make a video clip on my YouTube channel, the young man would have said about the tools to dismember the victim.

As they advance from Mediaset, Factor X undertake the search for a soloist or group with a special and distinctive factor, who is capable of moving the public and becoming a true star on stage and in front of the spectators. Furthermore, and for the first time, no distinction will be made between categories based on factors such as gender or ageso the four judges of the program will form mixed teams of soloists and groups.

Open enrollment

All those who want to participate and try your luck to rise to fame, just as happened with Angy Fernndez, who later succeeded, for example, in the series Physics or Chemistrythey already have the option of sign up on the official website of the program, where it is also possible to follow the news about it.

Tarun Kumar

I'm Tarun Kumar, and I'm passionate about writing engaging content for businesses. I specialize in topics like news, showbiz, technology, travel, food and more.

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