Many wonder if it is worthwhile to smoke electronic

The consumption of electronic cigarettes is increasing more and more, especially in young people who almost always start out of curiosity, without thinking about the serious consequences, both in terms of health and the economy.

As we well know, the cigarette consumption and other based products nicotine, is one of the most pressing issues, in several respects. Indeed, it has not only negative effects on people’s health and quality of life, but also on their own financesas we will see in detail in the course of the article.
The scenario is even more serious especially considering that the consumption of these products is also increasing among young people. According to various studies and surveys ISTAT, in fact, 43% of students declare that they have smoked at least once a year; 33%, once a month and 22%, on the other hand, use it every day.
Traditional cigarettes still seem to be the most used ones, even if the trend concerning electronic ones is growing. In fact, about 1 million students declared having tried them at least once in their life, while 23% used them during the year.
This change in trend is driven not only by fashion and from homologation, but also from other factors. For example, the so-called e-cigs tend not to release the classic smell of smoke and this makes them more attractive from this point of view. Moreover, one gets the idea that they can be smoke everywhereeven in enclosed spaces (even if the laws are apparently adapting to extend the ban on use).

For many it’s a question of money, but how much is it worth?

But the aspect that perhaps has the greatest impact is the cost. In fact, is it worth smoking e-cigarettes? Generally e-cigs might be more convenient of the traditional ones, if we consider only the economic side. The smoke of traditional cigarettes, in fact, represents a very high cost for both habitual and non-habitual consumers. Suffice it to say that, by purchasing a pack a day, a smoker would spend approx €2000 per year. Consequently, if you consume 2 packs a week, your annual expenditure would amount to approx €550; while 4 packages a week correspond, however, to a cost of approx €1200 per year. In short, truly mind-boggling figures, especially if we think how many things could be done with this money.
Electronic cigarettes, on the other hand, compared to traditional ones would be a cheaper alternative. In theory, considering the average prices on the market, the annual expenditure would be around €500 a year, which includes: the basic e-cig kit, liquids, concentrated flavors and so on.

So, is it worth smoking e-cigarettes?

The answer, in any case, is no. Even e-cigs, in fact, in addition to the economic damage, would represent a serious one health risk, despite the fact that common feeling tends to minimize it. In fact, even if several studies are underway on the matter, electronic cigarettes would release various substances that could cause airway irritation, cough, asthma and rhinitis. Furthermore, it would appear that prolonged exposure to glycerinecontained within the liquid, could lead to the formation of formaldehyde And acetaldehydewhich, in high doses, would be carcinogenic.
Therefore, even if theoretically there is no real combustion, one must also try to eliminate this practice from one’s habits and adopt a healthier lifestyle.

As soon as there is a definitive study on the subject, it will be published on these pages.


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