Jessica Bueno and Luitingo, first night together after GH VIP

What happens in Guadalix de la Sierra does not always stay there. Although the latest edition of Big Brother VIP ended in style with the victory of Naomi Asensithere are still plots, tensions that began in the house and are not resolved, that escape from the walls imposed by the reality and, now that the format has concluded, they accompany each of the participants in their personal life. The friendship between Jessica Bueno and Luitingo is, perhaps, the best example.

After finishing the last debate, Both have returned to their Andalusian home to celebrate these family dates in the company of their loved ones. All eyes were on their next steps and whether they left any hints after the rapprochement between the two during the last weeks of GH VIP and the end of the relationship between the model and Pablo Marqués. And she has been. Far from any indiscretion, the singer has dedicated a love note to Bueno.

Happy as 15 year olds

My people!! Forgive me from the bottom of my heart, I don’t even have time to comb my hair hahahahabegins his dense statement, at first apologizing for how hectic the last hours and days of his life have been: since I left I have not set foot in my house, we have been doing little things about the reality and so on and I don’t have time for anything, really… I have the photos prepared for a good publication, which I’m sure you will love… The support, the treatment received, the campaigns, I don’t even know what to say, I’m not aware… I don’t even know what position I got in the contest hahahaha.

After this description of the final moments of the format, he decides to address the topic that most interested his followers. Regarding La Jessi hahaha, tell you that life throws people to earth very occasionally, with a special and unique being. And I have been lucky enough to meet that type of being. We are having a very busy few days, but getting sick of laughing, together as always, happy as 15 year old children and taking care of ourselves as if we were glasswrites Luitingo.


There were no doubts left in the air, but those that could fly over still the suspicions of those curious have been dissipated when both of them jointly shared a photograph in the stories from Instagram in which they appear together and with the caption: the best prize I could have received. And on top of that it has incalculable value.. My Luis, she said.

Beyond that journey they have undertaken to the south, also in the company of Jose Antonio Avilsalso a contestant in this edition, both went to the hotel after the aforementioned last debate. There are few questions about the affection that are professedwhich seems not only intact, but to have grown as they have distanced themselves from that house. Because what happens in Guadalix de la Sierra does not always stay there.

Tarun Kumar

I'm Tarun Kumar, and I'm passionate about writing engaging content for businesses. I specialize in topics like news, showbiz, technology, travel, food and more.

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