By M.Sc. Martha Belén Ortiz Celi

Pay much attention to your food if you have a risk of kidney disease. If a doctor has indicated that your kidneys are failing, multiple functions will be altered, waste accumulates in the body, blood pressure rises, the body retains excess fluids and additionally there is the possibility that it cannot produce enough red blood cells .

We are close to celebrating the World Kidney Day celebrated on March 9, it is necessary that we value the role played by our kidneys. It is known that by means of blood filtration, they are eliminating the waste substances and recycling those that are necessary. On the other hand, they are in charge of the acid-base balance, they form part of the regulation of calcium and phosphorus and produce hormones as the responsible for the production of red blood cells (erythropoietin).

It is recommended that at least once a year you supervise your kidney function so that at your next medical appointment, remember to ask about the health of your kidneys to prevent kidney failure. At the initial stage, there are no symptoms, so carrying out a check that includes a biochemical analysis may be the only way to know if your kidneys are healthy and to avoid Renal Insufficiency.

Did you know that you have a bad chance of developing kidney disease if you have:

  • Diabetes Mellitus
  • high blood pressure
  • heart disease
  • Family history of Kidney Disease (priests or abusers)

If you have any of the conditions described above, the best way to protect your kidneys is:

  • Maintain the glucose figures in your objective control. Check your blood sugar level, it is vital that it does not exceed 100 mg/dl in the day or 130 mg/dl in the day if you already have Diabetes.
  • Keep your blood pressure figures close to your goal. The blood pressure target is less than 120/80 mmHg and ranges up to 140mg/90 mmHg are expected for the hypertensive patient.
  • Control dyslipidemia. Keep triglycerides below 150mg/dl and cholesterol within normal parameters, especially LDL below 100mg/dl and HDL between 50-70.
  • Do not self-medicate. Be careful with the regular use of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs), such as ibuprofen and naproxen, they can seriously harm your kidneys.

The decisions you make about what to eat and drink can help you achieve these goals and keep your kidneys healthy. That’s why nutritional advice is needed to achieve medical goals. Remember that Nutrition accompanies all medical treatments.

When we talk about nutrients and foods that we should avoid, we are mainly referring to excess sodium, which forms part of salt. It is also found in canned, preserved, ultra-processed and fast foods, as well as in most artificial condiments. Sodium is necessary to help control the amount of liquid in the body. However, the excess causes high blood pressure and kidney failure.

The excess protein can also cause toxic nitrogenous waste to accumulate in the blood such as urea and creatinine, which causes the kidneys to work harder. Prefer to consume lean meats free of grease, giving priority to white meats such as chicken, peacock, sea fish and limit red meats to a maximum of 1 time a week (your total exclusion will depend on whether you have kidney failure in advanced stages), seasoned with natural or dehydrated spices such as thyme, cilantro, rosemary, laurel, chives so as not to abuse the salt content. The amount of protein is calculated on the basis of the kilos of weight that the person has, in practical terms to facilitate the portion served and it is viable to take as a reference the size of the palm of the hands. Control in the same way the consumption of other protein foods such as dairy products, eggs and grains, which, like red meat, will depend on the degree of risk you have to establish the portions and the number of days that are allowed.

If you suffer from kidney failure with changes in electrolytes, you should also restrict your consumption of foods rich in phosphorus and potassium. There are techniques at the time of cooking such as soaking and double cooking (stepping the food twice) that help to reduce the potassium in foods to avoid hyperkalemia, take greater control with a certified nutritionist in clinical or renal nutrition.

In this type of patients, as we have indicated, the diet will depend on you whether your illness is in the early or late stage or if you are already undergoing dialysis treatment. The dialysis machine, is a team that is in charge of filtering the blood in the same way that it does the kidneys, without embargo has its risks and complications; it is a treatment in which you must be connected to it 4 hours of your time at least 3 times a week to eliminate the toxic compounds from your body

To avoid a kidney failure, choose to eat fresh, local, seasonal foods, made at home since depending on the places you often put the food outside the house contains much more sodium. Also, make your purchases at the supermarket using the nutritional labels, visually support yourself at the nutritional traffic light.

Remember natural water consumption, 2 liters daily is recommended for adults, avoiding alcohol and tobacco also helps to preserve kidney function.


To improve your kidney function, you should reduce the amount of potassium in foods in the following way: peel-chop-soak at least 8 hours of tubers such as porridge, yuca, camote, white zanahoria, as well as plantains and dried grains. If you have the possibility of repeating the process changing the water for removing mucho mejor. I go through double cooking: hervir and I go back to hervir the food draining the previous water.

In the vegetables rich in potassium, especially the green leaves, the double cooking should not last 3 minutes to avoid the loss of other vitamins.

*MSc. Martha Belén Ortiz Celi. Clinical Nutritionist / Chef in Nutritional Gastronomy; member of the Asociación de Nutricionistas del Guayas. Contacts: @mbonutricion, tel. 098-460-6790.


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