Lily Gladstone makes history at the Golden Globes for her indigenous origin

BEVERLY HILLS.- When Lily Gladstone took the stage Sunday night to accept her award for best actress in the Golden Globesspoke to the live television audience in the Blackfeet language.

“This is a historic victory,” she said in English, becoming the first winner indigenous of the quote in a drama film. “This is for every little child on (indigenous) reservations, every little urban child, every little native child who has a dream, who sees themselves represented and our stories told, by ourselves, in our own words, with tremendous allies and tremendous trust from and between us.”

Gladstone, 37, won for her role as Mollie Burkhart in the epic The Moon Killers by Martin Scorsese. In the film, his character’s family is murdered in a wave of terror in which Osage Indians were attacked for property rights to their oil-rich lands in Oklahoma.

In the audience, his co-star Leonardo DiCaprio He wore a brooch on his lapel in solidarity.

“I’m wearing my Osage pin tonight because, you know, the Osage Nation, we’re in unison with them for this movie,” she said on the gala’s red carpet.

Gladstone and DiCaprio walked the red carpet with their respective mothers. After her victory the actress paid tribute to her parents for supporting her dreams.

The actress said backstage that her father was watching her from home, where they will have a big classic feast.

The actress’s support for her community

“Every time I felt some level of guilt or that it wasn’t really possible, my mom and dad never questioned in my entire life that this was what I was destined to do,” said Gladstone, who is an only child. “They always supported me in times of famine and times of celebration.”

“(It) is a beautiful community, nation, that encouraged me to keep going, to keep doing this,” Gladstone said of the Blackfeet Nation. “I’m here with my mother, who, despite not being Blackfeet, worked tirelessly to get our language in our classrooms, so I had a Blackfeet language teacher when I was a child.”

The actress, who grew up between Seattle and the Blackfeet reservation in Montana, was named one of The Associated Press’ breakout artists of 2023.

Gladstone said he normally greets people in his Blackfeet language.

“That’s often how I introduce myself to a new group of people, especially when it’s important,” he said. “It was one of the most natural things I could do at the time.”

On the subject of a possible Oscar win, Gladstone told the AP: “It would be an incredible moment in my life, its meaning would go beyond me.”

“It is, of course, something that I have to think about, to the extent that I would really love to speak some of my language, and learn a little more of my language, to have and sustain that moment,” he said.

Gladstone is the second Indigenous actress to receive a Globe nomination after Irene Bedard, who was nominated for the 1995 television movie Lakota Woman.

“I have no words,” Gladstone said. “I’m very grateful to be able to speak even a little of my language, which I’m not fluent in, here, because in this industry, native actors used to say their lines in English, and then the sound mixers were responsible for reproducing them back. setback to make native languages ​​​​on camera.”

Speaking about the award, Gladstone said: “It doesn’t just belong to me. I’m holding it right now. “I’m holding it with all my beautiful sisters in the movie.”

Source: AP

Tarun Kumar

I'm Tarun Kumar, and I'm passionate about writing engaging content for businesses. I specialize in topics like news, showbiz, technology, travel, food and more.

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