Pope again condemns ‘absurd and cruel’ war

“A victory built on ruins will never be a real victory”: Pope Francis on Wednesday launched a new appeal for peace in Ukraine, at the end of his weekly general audience at the Vatican.

“February 24 will mark the first anniversary of the invasion of Ukraine, a year of senseless and cruel war. A sad anniversary,” said the Argentinian Jesuit.

“I appeal to all those who have authority over nations to make a concrete commitment to end the conflict, to reach a ceasefire and to start peace negotiations,” added the pope of 86 years.

New strikes in Kharkiv this Tuesday morning

Head of Kharkiv regional administration Oleg Synegubov announces on Telegram that new strikes hit the city of Kharkiv on Wednesday morning, causing at least two minor injuries so far. The area came under bombardment on Tuesday.

Despite being banned, pro-Russian RT documentaries remain available on YouTube

YouTube blocked Russian channels close to the government almost a year ago. Still, RT propaganda documentaries remain accessible on the platform, disinformation specialist NewsGuard says in its latest report. Our full article on this report can be read here.

British intelligence points out that Putin gave ‘no practical measures’ for soldiers in Ukraine on Tuesday

After Vladimir Putin’s speech on Tuesday – which we summarize for you here – on the approach of the first anniversary of the war in Ukraine, British military intelligence is delivering its analysis of this speech.

“Putin maintained the belligerent tone he adopted in his speeches over the past six months, but did not reveal any practical steps that would extricate Russia from the current stalemate on the battlefield,” they point out. in their daily note.

“Putin continues to present a contradictory narrative of existential struggle, while insisting that all is well in Russia and that everything is going according to plan. This renders both messages ineffective,” the intelligence also claims.

Russia’s Defense Ministry denies Wagner Group leader’s lack of ammunition charges

The Russian Defense Ministry responds to Yevgeny Prigojine’s accusations. The head of the Wagner group said on Telegram on Tuesday: “The Chief of Staff and the Minister of Defense are distributing orders at all times asking not only not to give ammunition to the paramilitary group Wagner, but also not to not help him with air transport”.

In a message also published on Telegram, the Russian Ministry of Defense declared on Tuesday evening that “all requests for ammunition for the assault units are met as soon as possible” and denounced “attempts to split” deemed “counterproductive” between Russian units.

France monitors the “activity” of Chinese companies likely to help Russia

France monitors the activity of companies Chinese companies likely to provide aid to Russia, said Tuesday the French Minister of Foreign Affairs, while the Sino-Russian rapprochement worries more and more Westerners.

“There are Chinese private companies whose activity we are watching closely,” said Catherine Colonna, interviewed on France 5 about a potential strategic partnership between China and Russia.

>> Our article

Faced with Vladimir Putin, Joe Biden reassures the leaders of Eastern Europe in Warsaw this Wednesday

US President Joe Biden meets this Wednesday in Warsaw with the group of nine leaders of the NATO countries of Central and Eastern Europe, in the presence of the Secretary General of the Atlantic Alliance, to assure them of “unwavering” support. of Washington against Moscow the day after a belligerent speech by Vladimir Putin.

This demonstration of support, planned for the presidential palace in Warsaw, aims to reassure these nine countries (Bulgaria, Czechia, Estonia, Hungary, Latvia, Lithuania, Poland, Romania and Slovakia) whose the common point is to be former members of the Soviet Union or the Warsaw Pact and to be on the eastern flank of NATO.

Ukraine hopes for Macron’s visit in March

The invitation to French President Emmanuel Macron to visit Kiev is “still relevant” and Ukrainian officials hope it will take place soon, Ukrainian Ambassador to France Vadym Omelchenko said on Tuesday.

Asked on RTL radio about the fact that US President Joe Biden went to Kiev and not the French president, the diplomat stressed that “of course” the invitation had been sent. “Unfortunately, he couldn’t come”, he continued, while adding that this invitation was “still valid”. “We hope that this visit will take place possibly in March,” he also said.

Remote duel between Biden and Putin, a year after the start of the Russian invasion

While the President of the Russian Federation spoke to the Duma where he assured that he wanted to “carefully” continue his offensive in Ukraine, the American President affirmed from Warsaw that Ukraine “will never be a victory for Russia “.

>> Our article

Offensive in Ukraine, West, arms deliveries… What to remember from Putin’s speech

The Russian president delivered his traditional speech to parliamentarians on Tuesday, to take stock of the past year and set new strategic directions. He reiterated his desire to continue the Russian offensive in Ukraine, and widely criticized the role of Westerners.

>> We summarize his speech in this article

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And good morning. Welcome to this direct dedicated to monitoring the news of the war in Ukraine this Wednesday, February 22, 2023.


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