Maduro regime rules out negotiating with the opposition abroad

CARACAS.- The regime of Nicolas Maduro announced his decision to limit meetings with the opposition at the national level, thus rejecting the request for meetings abroad, as the counterpart had demanded during the dialogue process mediated by Norway in preparation for the presidential elections.

This statement comes after government and opposition delegations met recently in Caracas, within the framework of a consultation called by the Parliament, mostly Chavista, to prepare an electoral calendar.

The opposition coalition Plataforma Unitaria had agreed to participate in the meeting on the condition of having the presence of a mediator, criticizing that it was held in the Venezuelan capital instead of abroad, where they considered that a more debate could be held. sincere and free of influences.

In response to these criticisms, the president of the Chavista Parliament, Jorge Rodríguez, refuted these claims, pointing out that during the last eight months at least 14 meetings have been held in Caracas, and that agreements have even been signed in other cities in the country. .

Rodríguez was emphatic in stating that any agreement that is desired to be signed will be carried out in Venezuelan territory, whether in Caracas or other cities.

Negotiation process

This negotiation process between the regime and the opposition began in August 2021, with the signing of a memorandum of understanding that established Mexico City as the headquarters of the process. However, the latest agreement, which includes the commitment to hold presidential elections in the second half of the year with European observation, was signed in Barbados last October.

In the face of these disputes, opposition leader Gerardo Blyde insisted on the need to maintain the confidentiality of the negotiation process, arguing that public discussions could harm the progress of the negotiations.

As for the date of the presidential elections, it has not yet been determined, since only the National Electoral Council (CNE) has the authority to call them. However, Rodríguez promoted this consultation with political representatives removed from the traditional opposition, as well as businessmen, academics and union groups, in order to prepare a proposal for the CNE, aligned with the official position.

Rodríguez extended the invitation to the Unitary Platform and all political and social sectors to participate in the preparation of this document, which will contain calendar proposals and electoral principles.

Source: With information from AFP

Tarun Kumar

I'm Tarun Kumar, and I'm passionate about writing engaging content for businesses. I specialize in topics like news, showbiz, technology, travel, food and more.

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