Mara Patio reacts to Mara Verdoy's debut on Socialit: I don't leave a legacy

Mara Verdoy made her debut this weekend at the head of Socialit after the current Mediaset board had decided to remove María Patio and Nuria Marón from the format. The new presenter wanted to have a few words of affection for the two journalists who are no longer part of the program that was produced by La Fbrica de la Tele until December 31 and is now in charge of Fnix Media Audiovisual, producer of Christian Glvez.

From here, I open a very special gift for me, which is to be on this set, María Verdoy began by saying. A set that María Patio and Nuria Marín have taken care of and in what way. I want to send you a kiss, friends. Thank you for having left such a beautiful, unique and authentic legacy. Thank you from the bottom of my heart. Also thanks to a team that is and will be the soul of Socialit, I am not going to get more intense, I just wanted to make this clear and send these very special kisses, added the television station.

As expected, María Patio’s reaction did not take long to arrive through social networks, specifically on her X profile. I don’t leave a legacy, I continue working. Pregnant woman, writes the one who was also a collaborator of Slvame. A few words with which she replicates María Verdoy’s message where she advances that she is already working on her new project of which she still prefers not to give many details.

It is worth remembering that María Patio said goodbye to Socialit and the viewers on December 25. I want to thank my two loves, whose time I took away by getting involved in a weekend program, you and this wonderful team. I’m going to keep walking, I’m going to keep walking. “Wait for me because there is still a lot of war left to fight,” she said, visibly excited.

A reporter confuses Mara Verdoy with Nuria Marn

The Telecinco audience is not the only one that is still adapting to the arrival of María Verdoy, but also the reporters who work at Socialit. It was this weekend when one of the journalists mistakenly confused the current presenter with Nuria Marn. And so much, Nuria. Oops… Forgive me, Mara…, pronounced Gema Mirín who quickly corrected her mistake.

For her part, María Verdoy chose to take her partner’s lapse with great humor by sending her a kiss, although minutes later she took revenge. Hey, Emma… Forgive me, Gema. I wanted to make that joke with you because it makes me laugh a lot.I blurted out.

Tarun Kumar

I'm Tarun Kumar, and I'm passionate about writing engaging content for businesses. I specialize in topics like news, showbiz, technology, travel, food and more.

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