Maripily Rivera to Aleska Gnesis: You should seek professional help

MIAMI.- After winning the fourth season of The house of the famous, Maripily Rivera has given something to talk about due to the comments he has made Aleska Gnesis about the Puerto Rican woman, which has sparked controversy on networks and television.

Given the accusations, the Puerto Rican model and presenter spoke about it in Today Gives.

Firstly, the reality it’s over It’s a shame because I am really enjoying the positive things about my country, seeing a united country, and all the beautiful things that are happening to me, but there are people who do not accept being losers; So, they have to seek fame from the tree that is bearing fruit, which is this one here,” the businesswoman also expressed in the Telemundo morning news.

“She has dedicated herself to calling everyone who has interviewed me to give her interviews to have a screen. But Aleska, you have to understand that there was a 24/7 person who could see everything; so, you cannot justify yourself with lies when “The public – if they put you in sixth finalist it is because – understood that your lies and everything you did at home was not good and that is why you did not win, nor did you make it among the five finalists who were in the final,” Maripily Rivera added.

Likewise, the 47-year-old Puerto Rican made it clear that her behavior during the reality of celebrities was – in some cases – a product of the actions that Aleska Gnesis had with her.

“Everything she is saying is a lie because I changed not because of Arianna but because I had to spy when I was leader in the suite The last time, when I spied, I saw that she was being a hypocrite, talking badly about me to Lupillo and that she was changing everything in her favor… then I could understand that what they told me at home was true… she thinks that We envy her and we have nothing to envy because she didn’t contribute anything. “She was just another piece of furniture,” she explained, indicating that in Mexico she had reached an alleged agreement with the Venezuelan to put aside differences.

Maripily Rivera suggests Aleska Gnesis seek help

“She told me in Mexico: ‘we are going to leave everything here’ and when she was interviewed in Miami she was the one who said: ‘she shouldn’t have been the winner’. So she is the one who is lying once again, justifying herself with lies,” said Maripily Rivera.

“I think she should look for a producer to make a movie for her on Netflix so she can be calm, have the screen and continue with her lies because she should seek professional help, turn the page and forget about it because here she is playing dumb, she offended all the women in the house. She knows very well how hypocritical and false she was and I did what I had to do. That’s why I won, that’s why the public put me where I am today and what she should do is: keep quiet and she looks prettier because she is coming off as crazy,” emphasized the winner of The house of the famous 4.

Tarun Kumar

I'm Tarun Kumar, and I'm passionate about writing engaging content for businesses. I specialize in topics like news, showbiz, technology, travel, food and more.

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