Mark Coleman fights for his life after devastating house fire

Mark Coleman, 59, is admitted to a hospital in the American state of Ohio with a reserved prognosis after Help his parents escape a devastating fire that destroys the family home. The UFC legend was rushed to a plane after suffering severe smoke inhalation during the process of rescuing his parents who were unharmed, although his pet Hammer was not as lucky.

Although the action of the Ballville Volunteer Fire Department was quick and impeccable, Mark Coleman would have had serious complications not only due to the intense fire but also due to prolonged inhalation of toxic smokeas published this Wednesday The Sun. The causes of the fire are still to be clarified.

Wes Sims, Coleman’s close friend, confirms in statements to TMZ Sports that The former UFC fighter is intubated and sedated in the hospital.

The words of his son Morgan

His son Morgan has confirmed the tragic event on his Instagram profile. As many know, our father was involved in a house fire early this morning along with his parents and his beloved dog. He managed to get his parents out of the house, but despite his best efforts, he was not able to save Hammer. My father was taken alive to the hospital where he is currently fighting after this heroic actwrites.

Our father has always been our hero and means a lot to us. He is and always will be a fighter. The strongest and bravest man I know, adds Coleman’s son. Along with these words, Morgan asks all of his followers not to stop praying for the former wrestler: Please continue to pray for me and our family during this extremely difficult time.. Thank you for all the love and support. “We will miss our sweet Hammer dearly,” she concludes.

During the last hours The countless expressions of affection and support for the Coleman family have not stopped. We send you a huge hug. We pray to our angel up there to take care of your father. Your dad is so strong…he will fight for you and your sisters, Prayers for your father during this difficult time. He is a strong man, so he will overcome this. Thinking of you and your entire family, you can read on social networks.

Mark Coleman was one of the first stars of the UFC. During his successful career he managed to defeat fighters of the stature of Dan Severn, Don Frye and Stephan Bonnar. The American He became the first heavyweight champion in 1997 and was inducted into the Hall of Fame in 2008.

Tarun Kumar

I'm Tarun Kumar, and I'm passionate about writing engaging content for businesses. I specialize in topics like news, showbiz, technology, travel, food and more.

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