Micha challenges Chocolate to a fight and the deliveryman responds

The enmity between Chocolate MC y The Micha It continues and apparently could cross the stage.

It turns out that El Micha challenged the King of Reparto to a fight and he did not hesitate to answer him and accept the challenge.

“You told me that you wanted to throw some punches at yourself, let’s throw some punches at each other,” replied Chocolate, who accused El Micha of always being “with the same round tooth”, because “every time I tell you let’s go, you look the other way.”

Completely calm and even laughing, the author of Descent He predicted that he would break his opponent’s face in the boxing ring.

“Major gentleman, you don’t have the health to do that. I’ll break your entire face and grab you and fix your beard, you look like a CVP with that bitchy beard,” he mocked.

The The dispute between both reggaeton artists is old and has already borne several musical fruits.

Last April, Chocolate presented the song QPTDQEMEM #RipMichaelawhose acronym means “Who the hell told you that the messenger is dead”, in which he dedicated verses to his adversary such as “Respect is over, your mask and makeup fell off.”

In response, El Micha premiered his song The death of the messagein which he unleashes darts like “You don’t have the conditions to reach my level”, “In your world of lies, even photos are borrowed” or “What’s mine is mine and what’s his is borrowed.”

A few days later, the interpreter of Dad premiere Let the crash goalong with a video clip that went viral in less than 24 hours.

“El Choco has already run a million errands. All his clients are pleased,” wrote El Micha when his song reached one million views on YouTube.

Tarun Kumar

I'm Tarun Kumar, and I'm passionate about writing engaging content for businesses. I specialize in topics like news, showbiz, technology, travel, food and more.

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