Milei seeks political consensus in the face of his reforms

BUENOS AIRES.- The president of Argentina, Javier Mileyyou must overcome the obstacles that your business will foreseeably have. reform package in it Congress of the country, where its political structure has limitations and lacks interlocutors to establish the necessary consensus to carry out the structural transformations that it seeks to implement during its mandate.

These days, Milei is trying to build bridges with the heads of the opposition in Congress. It is expected that it will be in March 2024 when the Chamber will begin the discussion of the Decree of Necessity and Urgency (DNU) that contains the drastic reforms of laws and regulations with which the president intends to achieve a change in the economic regime. From now until that moment, the government will have a period of time to negotiate and prevent the most intransigent sectors of the opposition from gathering enough votes to declare the decree null and void.

In advance, it is known that the measure will be rejected by the Justicialista Party, a sector of the Radical Civic Union and the unions that make up the CGT, the main group of workers in Argentina, as well as the Kirchnerism. However, the Pro party, of the former president Mauricio Macriand another wing of the UCR are not so reluctant to endorse Milei’s decree, reported La Nación.

The sector of governors is also key for Milei, which will try to ensure their support, especially from those who know that they have to have fluid communication with the Pink House to guarantee the funds that will help them maintain governability in the territories they govern. The Minister of the Interior, Guillermo Francos, is the one in charge of starting the negotiations.

Defense of the decree

Milei’s government defends the reform decree by claiming that the Argentine economic situation is “terminal” and that they must act efficiently before “the patient dies.” They also argue that if the reform package had been brought to Congress, the delay would have been great, which would hinder the implementation of the changes. Likewise, they maintain that they will give priority to the discourse towards Argentine society instead of focusing on political discussion.

Historic moment

The Minister of Security, Patricia Bullrich, assured that the country is going through “a moment of very important changes” that “will reconfigure the nation” so that the country is one “that advances permanently.”

“We are in a moment of very important changes for the country, changes that are going to reconfigure our nation, our jobs, our families, for a different future, for a future where we achieve that Argentina is not a country that goes backwards, but is a country that advances permanently,” he said last Sunday in a message to the nation on the occasion of Christmas published through his account on the social network X.

“For many years we have lived in decadence. For many years we have lived with particular interests that cover up the interests of the population as a whole,” he said.

He stressed that “work has begun to reverse this, so that the power belongs to the people and not to minorities who what they do is keep everything for themselves and little for society.” “We are starring in a new historical moment for Argentina,” she remarked.

“I am concerned with one of the most important issues (…) which is the security of each Argentinean. Together with the president (Milei) we are going to work tirelessly to ensure the security of each home, so that each family feels that she is safe living in the Argentina that we love so much,” he promised.

Bullrich highlighted that security and the economy are “fundamental pillars” for “change” and emphasized that “the path is marked” and that “the convictions are deep.”

Source: EDITORIAL / With information from La Nación / Europa Press

Tarun Kumar

I'm Tarun Kumar, and I'm passionate about writing engaging content for businesses. I specialize in topics like news, showbiz, technology, travel, food and more.

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