Mother of Cuban YouTuber Hildina visits a Mall in the US for the first time: “Incredible”

The mother of the youtuber cubana Hildina (Hilda Núñez Díaz), who was recently welcomed by her daughter in the United Statesexperienced the first time in a supermarket in that country and his surprised reaction was immediate.

The first thing the mother did was go to get her phone number at one of the American companies and when her daughter asked if she had to wait in line, she happily responded: “Nothing, girl!”

Upon entering the Mall, for the first time, the mother’s eyes reflected amazement, until she exclaimed: My mother, what is this?, although Hildina clarified that she was only at the entrance of the place, that she still had to see much more.

“When you see so many things, you don’t even know what you’re going to get, wow This is incredible because you want to take so many things and at the same time you say why are we going to have so many things?“said the mother in one of the shoe and clothing stores.

In a voice-over that accompanied the video, which also included Hildina, her father and the YouTuber’s little son, her mother said that “looking at all this, I never dreamed of having the opportunity that life gave me to be here”.

Tarun Kumar

I'm Tarun Kumar, and I'm passionate about writing engaging content for businesses. I specialize in topics like news, showbiz, technology, travel, food and more.

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