During the 8th console generation Nintendo just barely scratched one absolute disaster over. The Wii U turned out to be a colossal flop. The console with the idiosyncratic gamepad only sold once 13.56 million times – a devastating result. Once again, however, Nintendo could rely on its handheld division. Although he also tied 3DS not to the sales figures of the predecessor NintendoDS but the foldable console equipped with an autostereoscopic display caught thanks to almost 76 million sold units just got the coals out of the fire.

Nintendo will close eshops in a few days

Those responsible at Nintendo obviously drew the right conclusions and combined both device classes into a unique hybrid console. Another flop like the Wii U would probably have been difficult for the group to cope with.

The result was the Nintendo Switch and it gave the Mario Group the success it so desperately hoped for. She is currently with over 122 million sold devices in 3rd place of the most successful consoles of all time.

The production of Wii U was already discontinued in 2017, in 2020 it was also with the 3DS so far. So far, however, it was still possible to buy games for the two consoles via the digital eshops. From Monday, March 27, this will no longer be the case. Then the digital sales platforms for Wii U and 3DS will “close” their doors forever.

Nintendo closes eshops – how much do all games cost?

In case you’ve always wondered how much it would cost to buy all the games in the eshops of Wii U and 3DS to buy, then Youtuber has Jirard “The Completionist” Khalil the answer for you. The content creator really acquired every single one available Game that can be bought digitally for the two Nintendo consoles.

If you want to do the same, you should definitely get yours beforehand savings stocking plunder. For 866 Wii U games you have to $9,673 (equivalent to 9,200 euros). And for every 1,547 3DS games, one referral will be made via $13,118 (12,234 euros) due. So if you want to quickly secure the entire Wii U and 3DS game library now, it will cost you quite a bit $22,791 (21,250 euros).


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