Opposition takes over Caracas, despite strong police presence

CARACAS.- Dozens of citizens took over Caracas on Thursday, July 4, in support of the Venezuelan opposition candidate, represented by Edmundo González Urrutia, as part of the start of the electoral campaign, under a strong police presence.

“You can see it, you can feel it, Edmundo President,” “I came because I wanted to, they didn’t pay me,” “Hey, Maduro, come and see, Caracas is here and it’s going to give you a fight,” are some of the slogans heard in the capital of Caracas as they accompany the opposition caravan that leaves from Plaza Brión in Chacaíto (which links the municipalities of Libertador, Baruta and Chacao in Greater Caracas).

Caracas residents heeded the call of the democratic opposition, led by María Corina Machado, despite the closure of the capital’s main roads by the Nicolás Maduro regime, which called for a counter-march to the Miraflores Presidential Palace.

The opposition, for its part, hopes to march down Francisco Miranda Avenue, which runs through the municipalities of Chacao and Sucre (east) to begin an electoral campaign that hopes to cover the states of Barinas (southwest), Anzoátegui (northeast), Carabobo (center-north), Portuguesa (west), Monagas (northeast), Zulia (northwest) and end on July 25 with the “taking of Caracas.”

Source: Writing

Tarun Kumar

I'm Tarun Kumar, and I'm passionate about writing engaging content for businesses. I specialize in topics like news, showbiz, technology, travel, food and more.

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