Paola Jara premieres the song How the Hurt Do to You

MIAMI.- After captivating the stages in New York with his performance alongside Arthur Hanlon, Paola Jara premieres How the hurt do to him, a station wagon available on all digital platforms.

The artist’s new song colombian It transmits a powerful emotion in a story that many can identify with, as it talks about the difficulties that can be encountered when trying to overcome the pain that comes from heartbreak.

“Paola’s incomparable voice is stunning on this track, delving into the deepest corners of the heart with overwhelming sincerity, while reminding listeners everywhere why she is one of the most beloved and inspiring female artists in the world. its genre,” the production highlighted in a statement.

The song also has a video clip directed by Mike Montero. The audiovisual shows Jara sitting on a sofa talking to a camera about her experience overcoming heartbreak.

Paola Jara’s successes

A How the hurt do it success precedes him It won’t be so easya collaboration that Paola Jara did with the performer Dayanara, which quickly became an anthem for fans of both artists.

After delighting the audience at Sony Hall in New York City with Arthur Hanlon, the Colombian continues to consolidate her career as one of the most influential artists in regional music, proof of which is the nomination for Best Popular Music Artist in the Nuestra Tierra awards, in Colombia.

Tarun Kumar

I'm Tarun Kumar, and I'm passionate about writing engaging content for businesses. I specialize in topics like news, showbiz, technology, travel, food and more.

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