The Prime Minister has spoken by telephone with some unions about the pension reform over the past 48 hours. The CGT claimed Sunday evening not to have been called.

“I had the Prime Minister on the phone,” said Frédéric Souillot, secretary general of Force Ouvrière (FO), this Sunday evening on our set. According to our information, Elisabeth Borne has, in fact, called several union representatives to discuss the subject of the pension reform over the past 48 hours.

“It was before our inter-union, she understood that we were going to toughen up our tone,” said the FO trade unionist, who claims to have “told her that if (he) was not listened to, (they) were going to toughen up the movement, by taking the next step. On March 7, France will be brought to a halt, if we are not heard”.

The CGT claims not to have been contacted

On our set, Frédéric Souillot affirms that Élisabeth Borne “talked to him again about long careers and all that”. To which he replied that “it was scoops”.

If the head of the CFDT Laurent Berger indicates that he has been contacted by the head of government, the leader of the CGT Philippe Martinez, he tells BFMTV that he has not had Prime Minister Élisabeth Borne on the phone in the last 48 hours.

A little earlier today, the secretary general of the CFDT considered that the spectacle of the debates in the Assembly on the pension reform was “lamentable”, contrasting with the “dignity” of the demonstrations.


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