Pepe Navarro loses again against Ivonne Reyes in court

Ivonne Reyes wins again in court against Pepe Navarro. This is reported exclusively this Sunday by the Jaleos del Corazon portal. Justice is once again positioned in favor of the Venezuelan after the presenter filed a lawsuit for violation of the right to honor and personal and family privacy after an interview that the television station gave to Lecturas magazine in 2019.

At that time, Pepe Navarro understood that Ivonne Reyes’ words directly affected his honor, so he did not hesitate to put it in the hands of his lawyers. The contestant of the current edition of El Desafo, on Antena 3, He even requested 60,000 euros in compensation. The courts ruled against him in January 2021, so the communicator appealed the sentence to lose it again in 2022.

A very complicated scenario for Pepe Navarro, but that did not prevent the television channel from fighting for its interests. For this reason, he appealed and went directly to the Supreme Court, although without success since His appeal was dismissed and he had to pay the costs.


  • The popular presenter has intervened by telephone in Viva la vida where the Venezuelan woman was present to talk about their common son.

  • Pepe Navarro loses again against Ivonne Reyes in court

    The presenter has criticized his ex-partner after learning that he has been acquitted of an alleged crime of insults and the right to honor.

A long court battle

It is not the first time that Ivonne Reyes and Pepe Navarro have seen each other in court. Over the last few years they have been involved in endless litigation of which the presenter is fed up.. I’ve been doing this for twenty years. I am very calm. Time will tell if this has an end, he acknowledged last year. Everyone should live their life without any kind of resentment or remorse… I say for their part. For me the war would be solved tomorrow, but it is not in my power. I try to move it, do things, but everything is very slow, he added.

In June 2022, justice ruled in favor of Pepe Navarro after Ivonne Reyes filed a complaint against him for fear and insults. A litigation that came to an end before the Violence against Women court where the presenter was acquitted. The starting point of this disagreement? The phone call starring him in the program Viva la vida where he called Alejandro Reyes’ mother a scoundrel.

Tarun Kumar

I'm Tarun Kumar, and I'm passionate about writing engaging content for businesses. I specialize in topics like news, showbiz, technology, travel, food and more.

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