Perfect and always creamy risotto in just a few

How to bring a risotto to the table that will drive the whole family crazy in just a few steps. The secret is to avoid some mistakes during the preparation. Let’s discover them together.

In how many ways can we make a good risotto? Whether it’s with saffron, mushrooms or champagne, this first course is one of the flagships of tradition. Both adults and children like it and thanks to its flavor and consistency it is one of the most loved delicacies ever. Preparing a good risotto isn’t difficult, however mistakes are always around the corner. After the most trivial mistakes that everyone makes in the preparation of apple pie and those in making dishes with lentils, today we will talk about the mistakes that Italians make most often during the preparation of the classic risotto.

Therefore, for a perfect and always creamy risotto it is advisable to know a few little tricks to make no more mistakes and prevent the risotto from being disconnected from the other ingredients, raw or overcooked.

5 golden rules for a perfect and always creamy risotto, a dish so good that it is mouth-watering

To make a good risotto you need the right rice, but also the right pot. The most common mistake is to underestimate these two aspects. There are different types of rice suitable for risotto, however some of them are simply excellent for the occasion. We are talking about Carnaroli, Vialone or Arborio rice.

For an exceptional risotto you need to choose the right rice

For an exceptional risotto you have to choose the right

Let’s pay attention not to wash the rice under running water. Furthermore, for cooking, we recommend a pan with a thick bottom and fairly high edges.

For cooking, we recommend a saucepan with a thick bottom and high edges

For cooking, we recommend a thick-bottomed saucepan with high

Rice roasting is a fundamental step for an excellent result. Prepare a sautéed onion and carrot cut into small pieces. Then, brown in the pan with a knob of butter. Then, add the rice to the stir-fry and let it toast. Another common mistake is not to stir the rice continuously with a wooden spoon while roasting. A step to be carried out before adding the white wine.

Like roasting, nuance is also important for the success of the dish. The secret is to opt for a non-sparkling white wine.

Beware of the broth. A mistake that is often made is to pour all the broth at once. For a good, flavourful risotto, carefully dose the broth and pour it in small quantities. Furthermore, the broth must be strictly hot, otherwise it risks altering the gradual cooking of the rice.

The creaming must be perfect!

Very often we tend to neglect this step due to lack of time or will, yet the creaming must be an action carried out in a workmanlike manner. There are three main steps: melt the butter in a ladle of broth, add it to the rice and stir continuously until completely absorbed and then repeat the action.


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