Program where parents read aloud to their children

“Tomorrow we read again…”

Encouraging reading at an early age in their two-year-old little Grace is the work of a couple of parents.

“It is something very beautiful because you create memories with your children, you create a memory that they will carry forever. Besides, reading gives them security, it makes them successful in their daily lives and more than anything to prepare for school,” said mother Beatriz Fermín.

To do this, they attend events run by the LINC organization with Grace, where they are read aloud. There they also train parents in disadvantaged communities to help their children adopt reading.

“It is very important for parents to know that our brain begins to develop until we are 5 years old, so 90% of our brain acquires everything necessary for the rest of our lives. That is why our intervention as parents and caregivers is essential at this age,” explained Alma Canete, from LINC.

For another mother with three children of different ages, reading is a great indicator of overall success in life.

“For me, reading from an early age is important because it forges more learning, a more open vocabulary, because nothing more than they begin to discover the world more through that,” said Gloria Vallejo.

Recently, World Read Aloud Day was celebrated and New York Schools Chancellor David Banks and Mayor Eric Adams read aloud to a group of students at PS 123 Mahalia Jackson School in Harlem.

Adams shared her admirable story of overcoming dyslexia and read “Life Doesn’t Scare Me” by Maya Angelou.

It should be noted that this 2023-24 school year, the city launched an initiative called NYC Reads, with the goal of ensuring that all students in the city become good readers. This in a system where approximately half of students in third through eighth grades do not master state tests.

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Tarun Kumar

I'm Tarun Kumar, and I'm passionate about writing engaging content for businesses. I specialize in topics like news, showbiz, technology, travel, food and more.

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