Relatives of the president of an NGO in Venezuela receive precautionary measures

CARACAS — Four relatives of the Venezuelan activist and expert in military matters, Rocío San Miguelaccused by the Nicolás Maduro regime of “terrorism”, were released after receiving conditional release, their lawyers reported this Tuesday.

“It has been confirmed that the four relatives of Dr. San Miguel have already been released,” said Juan González Taguaruco, of the legal team that has not yet had access to the activist and denounces her “forced disappearance.”

These are the daughter, two brothers and the father of San Miguel, who received precautionary measures consisting of “periodic presentations” in the court handling the case. It is not clear what charges they are facing.

The director of the NGO Citizen Control She was detained on February 9 at the “Simón Bolívar” International Airport, in Maiquetía. According to her lawyers, San Miguel was preparing to leave Venezuela for a few days with her daughter for the carnival holiday.

Nicolás Maduro’s regime accuses her of “treason”, “conspiracy” and “terrorism” by linking her, without evidence, to an alleged plan to “assassinate” Maduro.

Her ex-husband, Alejandro José Gonzales De Canales Plaza, a retired colonel, who was also arrested in this operation, will also remain behind bars. He was charged with “revelation of political and military secrets concerning the security of the nation.”

Illegal detention

The case of San Miguel has sparked international commotion. The United States said it was “deeply concerned”as well as the human rights office of the UN and the European Union (EU).

San Miguel’s illegal detention was deplored by Amnesty International and other national and international organizations. With his arrest, the number of political prisoners of the Venezuelan regime increases.

This Monday, Taguaruco described the arrest as San Miguel as “very serious” and denounced his “forced disappearance”. The lawyer reported that early on Monday they toured the headquarters of the Bolivarian National Intelligence Service (Sebin) and the General Directorate of Military Counterintelligence (Dgcim) in Caracas and They were unable to find out the whereabouts of San Miguel or his detained relatives.

It was not until Monday night, more than 72 hours after the arrest, when the Maduro regime reported the arrest of the activist for her alleged connection to an alleged “conspiracy plot.”

In a message on the social network , in addition to other senior officials, and attack military units.

However, Saab did not provide evidence to support the aforementioned accusations.

The NGO Provea denounced on Saturday that San Miguel “has been a victim of harassment, persecution and discrimination by the Venezuelan State,” which it considered a “very serious” fact that highlights “the government’s efforts to repress critical voices.” “, as noted in her X account, and demanded that she be released immediately.

Source: With information from AFP / AP

Tarun Kumar

I'm Tarun Kumar, and I'm passionate about writing engaging content for businesses. I specialize in topics like news, showbiz, technology, travel, food and more.

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