Republicans outnumber Democrats in Hispanic voters

MIAMI.- In a political turnaround that reflects the complex electoral dynamics of the county of Miami-Dade, voters of Hispanic origin registered as republicans significantly outnumber those registered as Democrats.

According to the most recent report from the Miami-Dade Elections Department, dated March 1, 2024, the Republican Party has 332,226 affiliated Hispanic voters, compared to 225,774 for the Democratic Party, establishing a difference of 106,452 voters in favor of the republicans.

This phenomenon highlights a significant change in voting trends of the Hispanic community in Miami-Dadean area known for its cultural diversity and its crucial role in state and national elections.

Hispanics’ preference for the Republican Party could influence future electoral campaigns within the county. In the case of the county mayor’s office, although its elections are non-partisan, these data would show favorability for candidates who lean towards the Republican tendency in the context of the community of Hispanic origin.

More black democrats

In contrast, black voters in Miami-Dade represent strong support for the Democratic Party.

According to the county elections agency, currently There are 167,051 African-descendant Democratic voters, compared to 7,222 African-descended Republican voters.. The difference between the two is 159,829 voters, in favor of the Democratic Party.

The figures also show that in Miami-Dade there are 299,882 Hispanic voters registered without party affiliation. Meanwhile, 38,347 Afro-descendants are not registered with any of the parties.

Furthermore, the Report highlights significant number of voters without party affiliationwith 464,066 registered under the category of “No Party Affiliation” (NPA), of which 299,882 are Hispanic and 38,347 Afro-descendant.

This considerable portion of the electorate also highlights a growing inclination towards political independence.

Global figures

The overall analysis of the county reveals that Democrats outnumber Republicans with a total of 512,853 voters, compared to 439,256. This trend is especially pronounced among the black population, who have historically supported the Democratic Party in numerous elections.

Miami-Dade’s diversity and its strategic importance on the national political stage make these changes in party affiliation preferences especially relevant.

With the Hispanic population leaning toward the Republican Party and the African American population maintaining its loyalty to the Democrats, the Miami-Dade’s political future presents itself as a key battleground for both parties in the upcoming electoral contests.

Tarun Kumar

I'm Tarun Kumar, and I'm passionate about writing engaging content for businesses. I specialize in topics like news, showbiz, technology, travel, food and more.

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