Robert De Niro, on the death of his 19-year-old grandson: It shouldn't have happened

Life does not leave the roller coaster complex no matter how many pages are torn off the calendar, no matter how many candles are blown out and the number of tens is greater than that of ones. No one is free from the double standards of the future of things. Something like that should and should go through the mind of Robert De Niro when she twists her head and focuses her gaze on the past 2023: in April she welcomed her seventh daughter into the world, Gia Virginia Chen De Niroand, just three months later, he buried his grandson Leandrowhich had only circled the Sun 19 times.

That tragic event hurt as only the death of a family member can hurt. But then it transformed and now, as De Niro reveals in an interview with Peopleruns through the thoughts of the veteran performer, forcing him to introspect a strong feeling of guilt.

It was simply a shock, remembers the actor, who opens up about everything that comes to mind after an event like that: I started thinking about all the things I could have maybe done for him. I don’t know if everything would have been different. It’s something that’s always on my mind.. The word he used to describe the feeling that awoke in him was disbelief. And he clings to it to sentence: It should not have happened.

The death of the young man

Leandro De Niro’s lifeless body was found on July 3, 2023 in his New York apartment. After the autopsy there was no doubt about what happened: a combination of fentanyl, bromazolam, ketamine, cocaine, alprazolam and 7-aminoclonazepam It had been fatal for the interpreter’s grandson.

Drena, mother of the deceased and daughter of De Niro, burst into rage and tears as she concluded that someone whose identity will probably never be known had deceived young Leandro: Someone sold him pills with fentanyl that they knew were adulterated, and they still sold them to him, so for all those people who are still fucking around selling and buying this shit, my son is gone foreverhe said then, expressing a rage that the entire family has placed in their mental backpack and that will probably accompany them forever.

Tarun Kumar

I'm Tarun Kumar, and I'm passionate about writing engaging content for businesses. I specialize in topics like news, showbiz, technology, travel, food and more.

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