Word & picture publishing group – health reports

2 Audios

  • otp-Aktiv_Baby3.mp3
    MP3 – 2,3 MB – 01:01

  • bme-Active_Baby3.mp3
    MP3 – 3,0 MB – 01:19

Baierbrunn (ots)

Introduction: Even the little ones can stare at the tablet for hours and sit very still. Not good, exercise is important. It positively influences both the physical and mental development of children. Marco Chwalek has tips on how to get kids moving:

Narrator: Small children want and should actively get to know their environment and exercise is also extremely important for older children, reports the pharmacy magazine “Baby und Familie”. Editor-in-Chief Stefanie Becker knows how to get the offspring off the sofa:

O-Ton Stefanie Becker: 22 seconds

“Children enjoy playing together the most, whether with their parents, grandparents or other children. However, parents are the best role models when it comes to exercise, because active parents usually also have active children. And a good tip for more Regular family outings, for example, are exercise, because these activities strengthen cohesion and get children going.”

Narrator: This outing in the fresh air is fun for everyone and not expensive:

O-Ton Stefanie Becker: 16 seconds

“A tour through the forest is something that interests children big and small, because there is so much for them to discover, for example smells and sounds, plants and animals. And enough space to romp, run, jump And of course there’s always climbing there.”

Narrator: The weather isn’t always great, so children also need space at home to exercise:

O-Ton Stefanie Becker: 17 seconds

“Parents shouldn’t make the children’s room so crowded if possible, because movement needs space, for example for a cushion course, which also promotes dexterity. But everyday things are also exciting for the little ones. For example, if they are allowed to help, to sweep the hallway with a children’s broom or to make the beds.”

Modification: Then let’s go. Experiencing everyday life actively with the children is just as important and good for the parents, reports “Baby und Familie”.

Press contact:

There are many more interesting health news under www.baby-und-familie.de
Press contact:

Katharina Neff-Neudert
corporate communications
Tel. +49(0)89 – 744 33 360
E-Mail: [email protected]

Original content from: Wort & Bild Verlagsgruppe – health reports, transmitted by news aktuell


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