Russia blames US for deaths from bombings in Crimea

KIEV.- At least five people died and more than 100 were injured this Sunday bombings of Ukraine to the peninsula Crimeawhich is annexed by Russiaand Vladimir Putin’s government blamed USA of the attack for supplying weapons to kyiv.

The Russian Defense Ministry affirmed in a statement that Washington is “responsible” for the “deliberate” attack that left victims in Sevastopol, in Crimea, a Ukrainian peninsula that Moscow annexed 10 years ago.

He alleged that American missiles were used in the bombing of Crimea.

“Responsibility for the deliberate missile bombing of civilians in Sevastopol lies primarily with Washington, which supplied these weapons to Ukraine,” but also with the authorities in kyiv, according to the Ministry in a statement.

The attack “will not go unanswered,” according to the Russian statement

Neither Ukraine nor the United States reacted to the bombing in Sevastopol, according to news agencies.

Russia and Ukraine have had a warlike confrontation since February 2022, when Moscow began the invasion of that European country and given the escalation since then, President Zelensky has asked for international help.

The attack in Crimea

Ukraine’s attacks on the port city of Sevastopol, which houses the headquarters of the Russian Black Sea Fleet, left five people dead, including three children, and a hundred injured, according to the governor installed in Crimea. for Moscow, Mikhail Razvoyaiev.

Five US ATACMS missiles were allegedly used in the bombing and four of them were “intercepted,” the Russian army said.

In April, the United States announced that it had sent longer-range ATACMS missiles to Ukraine, which had long demanded them so they could strike beyond the front line.

At the end of May, Washington agreed that the Ukrainians could use American weapons to attack, in certain cases, military objectives in Russian territory near the city of Kharkiv.

This decision was made after the launch, in early May, of a surprise Russian ground offensive in that region.

Source: With information from AFP

Tarun Kumar

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