(S)exclusive chat around the campfire …

Jungle camp candidate also left on day four Gigi Birofio (23) don’t burn anything in the Australian bush. During the night watch, a slippery dialogue about fumbling in front of the camera and solo sex broke out between TV Casanova and ex-party girl Djamila Rowe (55). In general, the trash chav once again had no shame. at Presenter Sonja Zietlow (54) hit completely different tones. And they weren’t scented at all…

No jungle exam makes Gigi sweat like the sex withdrawal in the camp. The nocturnal fire station gave the philanderer a single date with Djamila. And boom, Gigi’s favorite topic came back onto the tray. It all started out quite harmlessly. She wanted to know what education he had. The reality star replies, “Industrial electronics technician,” but then jumps straight to his brief career as a professional stripper. Gigi: “Back when the body was still good.”

Who could resist Gigi and his tasteful tattoos?

Photo: RTL/Stefan Thoyah

He wants to know from his interlocutor how she got into television. This is how Djamila tells the story that made her famous more than 20 years ago. “There was an alleged affair with a politician.” The politician was the then Swiss Ambassador Thomas Borer (65). Rowe now denies the dalliance and doesn’t even mention the name at the campfire.

Even the sparse information makes gigs jump into the head cinema. The version of the story sounds like this in his words: “She fucked a CDU person and was then recognized.” He could also imagine something similar for his career. Gigi is hoping for tips from Djamila. “Is there a politician I could take like this?”

Gigi tense about sex withdrawal

However, she does not want to give him high hopes. “It’s hard to get hold of politicians. It’s not like they hang out in some shisha bar.” But that’s not the end of the sex issue. Djamila asks Gigi what he wants to do first after the jungle in the hotel. His plan: “Get me one off. Watch a nice video. Then I’m satisfied.”

Djamila and Cosimo in a jungle test in a bee costume

Djamila and Cosimo in a jungle test in a bee costume

Photo: RTL/Stefan Thoyah

On this occasion, Rowe remembers how he announced before the start of the season that he was the first candidate to have sex in the jungle camp. After all, fumbling in front of the camera is nothing new for the young trash professional. Gigi has already done this in various formats. “Under the blanket. Then you see a little squirrel on TV that moves like that,” the coitus expert tells his listener almost expertly.

Rowe can only shake his head at so much liberality. She doesn’t get TV sex in the bag. Djamila: “No man can be so beautiful and so great that I would have sex in front of the camera or in any format.” What else Gigi does when the cameras are running became clear during his jungle exam. Even IBIS moderator Sonja Zietlow had never experienced THAT.

The dollhouse was full of disgusting surprises

The dollhouse was full of disgusting surprises

Photo: RTL/Stefan Thoyah

In a creepy dollhouse, he and Model Tessa Bergmeier (33) Go star hunting. And what does Gigi do while Sonja and Moderator colleague Jan Köppen (39) explain the rules? He lets you drive without hesitation. Gigi’s apology: “Sorry, it had to be.” Laughter breaks out. It was actually a premiere in the jungle camp. Köppen, who is new this season, asks Zietlow to be on the safe side: “Has anyone ever farted in front of you just before the jungle test?” Her answer: “No.”

After all, both candidates can get seven stars in the end. Gigi’s intestinal wind resonated with the moderators for a long time. Jokes rained down at his expense. Köppen grinned: “The good news is: The gas storage tanks are full again. At least Gigi’s.” The next test has to be a different one. Actress Jana Pallaske can prove herself for the first time.


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