Sergio Ramos suffers a new setback in his business after accumulating losses of 4.7 million euros

Sergio Ramos seems to be living a second youth in Sevillawhere he has returned to play after having played for Real Madrid and Paris Saint Germain, and where he has also just released a new song, No me contradigas, along with Los Yakis, a flamenco salsa musical trio, formed by Dani , Michael and Moses.

But, unfortunately, not everything was going to be joyful. And the footballer from Camas does not seem to have finished starting his business hand in hand, specifically with his company, Albis Inversiones 2008 SL, which accumulates losses of more than 4.7 million euros since it was createdand for which he has just suffered a new setback on the part of Justice, which has sided with a former employee of his company due to his dismissal.

From The confidential have brought to light this sentence, which indicates that at the trial, held in September, none of the representatives of Ramos’ society appeared, but the person affected did, a young stable boy who up to seven temporary contracts were chained between the years 2015 and 2019and who provided his services on the Bollullos de la Mitacin farm.

A trial for unfair dismissal

This worker reported his dismissal, which was communicated to him at the end of 2020 for objective reasons, due to amortization of the job. A dismissal that, as the judge of the Social Court number 8 of Seville has agreed, was not like that, but rather It was an unfair dismissal, as the complainant declared..

In this way, and with the ruling in favor of the worker, he must be readmitted to the company, thus recovering his previous job, with the same conditions, or must be compensated with 8,805.06 euros. Furthermore, the judge has sentenced the company to pay the worker the amount of 5,125.68 eurosto which the corresponding interest for late payment will be added.

A company that had 14 workers and other assets worth 16.26 million euros, as can be read in its latest financial year presented in the Commercial Registry (2021). A company that managed to invoice more than 100,000 euros, thus doubling the amount of the previous year, and thus reducing its red numbers from almost half a million euros to only 63,665 euros, although still facing accumulated losses worth more than 4.7 euros. million euros since 2008.

Now, Albis Inversiones 2008 SL is only a subsidiary of the large conglomerate run by the footballer, a holding company called Sermos 32 SLwith which, despite accumulating losses in his livestock, he has obtained benefits through art between 2020 and 2021.

Tarun Kumar

I'm Tarun Kumar, and I'm passionate about writing engaging content for businesses. I specialize in topics like news, showbiz, technology, travel, food and more.

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