You are currently viewing “Such small things!”  : Catherine Deneuve lets loose and shoots social media users

A big rant! Catherine Deneuve returns to the cinema to headline the film Bernadette by director Léa Domenach, alongside Denis Podalydès and Sara Giraudeau. The actress plays in this new project, which is not a biopic, the former first lady Bernadette Chirac during her visit to the Élysée with her husband Jacques Chirac. Indeed, since the start of promotion for the feature film, Catherine Deneuve has made a point of asserting that she would not have accepted this role if it had been a biopic. “Even before reading the script by Léa Domenach and Clémence Dargent, I had been warned that it was a comedy. The role was not to resemble Bernadette Chirac, but to recreate her way of being , his mind”she shared Paris Match.

“We were much freer”Catherine Deneuve looks back on the freedom of expression they had in the 1990s by comparing it with that of our time

This Friday, September 29, Catherine Deneuve answered a few questions from our colleagues in RTL’s La matinale. During this interview, the journalist asked her if she regretted the 1990s highlighted in the film Bernadette. “No ! I have no regrets about the past or what I experienced… I’m happy.”, she first replied. However, when it comes to evoking the freedom and lightness of the time, the actress in a certain way shares Michel Sardou’s opinion. “The problem is that we have to censor ourselves half the time now, in words as well as in actions, as well as in images. It’s true that it’s very different… We were much freer. Today, it’s taking on proportions all the same… The excesses are terrifying!”she said, and continued: “It’s an evolution, that’s how it is! I’m a bit fatalistic about that.”

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“I really hope there will be a law quickly”Catherine Deveuve gives a big rant against social networks

Catherine Deneuve also showed herself to be largely annoyed by the use of social networks and their impact, which did not escape the journalists who asked her opinion on this subject. Very negative! I really hope that there will soon be a law for all the nonsense that can be written on phones. That we are obliged to give a name, to reveal ourselves. Oh yes ! I find that it’s really close to denunciation, I find sometimes”, she said on the air. The actress gave a big rant about the anonymity that reigns on social networks. “I find it terrible! Ah yes, yes, that’s mostly it! Then, there is so much fake news too…”, she continued. If Catherine Deneuve fights so much for the regularization of platforms, she explained that she does not use them at all: “No no ! And I’m not on the internet and I don’t have any networks. I don’t participate in it at all. And I find it terrible, people I know, I find it terrible! Really I can tell you things so small, so personal and tiny at the same time. Oh no ! I’m really against myself!

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Tarun Kumar

I'm Tarun Kumar, and I'm passionate about writing engaging content for businesses. I specialize in topics like news, showbiz, technology, travel, food and more.

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