The 13-year-old committed suicide in early January. His parents say he had been bullied at school for several months because of his homosexuality.

Those close to Lucas hammered it: the teenager had been harassed for several months at school because of his homosexuality. It is now up to justice to decide on the fate of four 13-year-old schoolchildren, sent back to court for “school harassment that led to the suicide” of Lucas in early January in Golbey, in the Vosges, announced Friday the prosecutor of the Republic, Frederic Nahon.

“During their hearings, the respondents, two girls and two boys, educated in the same establishment as Lucas, only admitted to having repeatedly made fun of their comrade”, he said. in a press release.

And the prosecutor added: “The investigation has established that the harassment may have participated in the passage to the suicidal act of young Lucas.” In his diary, the teenager had written “a word explaining his desire to end his life”. His relatives had revealed to the investigators the existence of homophobic mockery and insults which Lucas had said he was the victim of by other students at his college.

Investigation for “non-reporting of ill-treatment”

The magistrate specified that before their judgment, the four teenagers, “presumed innocent and unknown to justice”, would be the subject of an evaluation by the judicial protection of youth.

In addition, an incidental investigation against X for “non-denunciation of ill-treatment of minors” has been opened. “The investigations are therefore continuing on this point”, concluded Frédéric Nahon.


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