Tenants in the Bronx ask that the TOPA law be approved

United for the same cause, and force the owner of the property where they live, to fix the damages in the majority of the rent-controlled apartments, located at 124 East 176th Street in The Bronx.

Or else… this is what they send him as a message…: “The united people will never be defeated…

“Unfortunately, the man who owns this building right now, it seems like he doesn’t know or he doesn’t care and therefore we are going to take it away from him. How are you?”, says Senator “State Senator Gustavo Rivera.

But for that they need the TOPA law, Tenant Opportunity to Purchase Act, to be approved in the state legislature, which would give tenants of New York properties whose landlord forgets their obligations and leaves them abandoned, damage to the properties. , with a purpose.

“Part of the plan to not only pay the mortgage, but to make money is to evict the tenants who are paying low rent and bring them in with tenants who are going to pay more rent. So, the solution is for the state to force the owner, in this case David Kleiner, to sell the property to a responsible landlord, or to the tenants themselves, with the financial help of the state,” says assembly member Marcela Mitaynes.

“The owner of this building has not fulfilled his responsibility. It’s something very basic. We are not asking you for anything extra. We are saying that these people want to live in dignity, that they have heating, that they have water, that the garbage is collected and those things have not been done,” says Senator Gustavo Rivera.

Carmen López is one of the tenants whose apartment has fungus or mold in several places where the leaks fill with facewash.

“Look at the water, how I catch it here. Look, every time it rains it’s a punch bowl of water. Look, look how they are. Look at these windows. How come they are, leaking all the time, They are black. They are black, black, black…” says López, showing the windows.

Eval Townsend is another affected tenant and also complains of leaks and mold everywhere in her home.

“My mother is sick, she has cancer and every so often they have to use the bathroom outside because hers doesn’t work, plus the humidity affects her health even more. But they don’t care…” says Townsend.

Until the closing of this report, the owner of the property has not given any response.


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Tarun Kumar

I'm Tarun Kumar, and I'm passionate about writing engaging content for businesses. I specialize in topics like news, showbiz, technology, travel, food and more.

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