The Board of Directors of RTVE blocks the hiring of David Broncano

The Board of Directors of RTVE has blocked the hiring of David Broncano and his program La Resistencia despite the offer that had been previously presented to him to compete against El Hormiguero in the evening prime-time, as announced by Agencia EFE citing sources from the council itself.

The management body of the public broadcaster has also called on the Content Directorate to present a new proposal that will last one year. The proposal to sign La Resistencia contemplated a three-year contract and a budget of 14 million euros per year.

The members of the Council have not reached an agreement in a session that had been convened as a matter of urgency. Thus, Next week, on March 20 or 21, a final meeting will be held that seems decisive regarding the contracting of the format. According to The confidentialthe councilors who voted negatively were three appointed by the PP and one by Podemos.

The approval of the Board of Directors is an essential procedure for the transaction to be carried out, since it is an investment of more than two million euros. The main doubt of the governing body lies in the duration of the contract, since RTVE defends that it be only one year in order to assess whether the audience results are as expected.

Neither from the program nor from David Broncano’s entourage has any assessment been made regarding the possible agreement. The only public demonstration was totally humorous, as is usually the case, during one of the collaborations of the comedian Jorge Ponce. How are you with the news? the comedian asked him. With what news?Broncano responded amidst the roar of the public. With the news that says that you thought the cameras had stopped recording, Ponce definitively insisted, referring to one of the most frequent bots on social network X in recent months.

Tarun Kumar

I'm Tarun Kumar, and I'm passionate about writing engaging content for businesses. I specialize in topics like news, showbiz, technology, travel, food and more.

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