The impact of emotions on physical health

Mental and physical health are closely linked, since a healthy mind makes the body function better, and in turn, a healthy body generates emotional well-being to avoid diseases that can affect human beings.

The World Health Organization (WHO) defines health as “a state of physical, mental and social well-being and not simply the absence of disease or infirmity.”

Dr. Deisy Figueredo, a psychiatrist at the Comprehensive Diagnostic and Therapeutic Evaluation Unit (UDETI) in Puerto Cabello, Carabobo state, in north-central Venezuela, when consulted by DIARIO LAS AMERICAS points out that the human being is a biopsychosocial individual, “which means that there is a biological, psychological and social component that affects people. Therefore, if the person does not have emotional well-being due to different situations that generate states such as anxiety and stress, the body will be negatively affected.”

How do emotions influence physical health?

Research has shown that having poor emotional health can weaken the immune system, making the body more prone to developing physiological diseases during emotionally difficult times.

Besides, Mental illnesses such as anxiety, stress and depression can have a negative impact on physical health and even increase the development of serious conditions such as diabetes, high blood pressure and obesity.

According to the American Heart Association (AHA), lPsychological health can have a positive or negative impact on a person’s health and risk factors for heart disease and stroke.

Figueredo highlighted that Today the digestive system is spoken of as a second brain, “nowadays, the relationship between the mind and the body is no longer indifferent. At a biological level, brain neurotransmitters are the same as those we have in the digestive system, which means that any situation or alteration in the functioning of these neurotransmitters will affect the digestive system.”

“It has already been proven that every person who has an anxious or depressive component manifests it at the gastrointestinal level or with constant headaches and body aches,” he added.

Likewise, he explained that during mental health disorders such as anxiety and depression there is an alteration of brain neurotransmitters, “because the brain is an organ that if it does not produce the amount of neurotransmitters to be stable and function well, it results in “These psychological illnesses that end up affecting physical health.”

The lifestyle

Emotional disorders and unhealthy lifestyle habits influence both emotional well-being and the health of the body.. Experts say that to maintain optimal health, it is essential to adopt a healthy lifestyle, which includes a balanced diet, exercising the body, optimal sleep and stress management techniques.

In addition, they highlight that it is important to foster positive emotions, reduce negative emotions, and seek professional help when necessary.

In this regard, the specialist stated that In addition to working on emotions and the social aspect, it is advisable to do physical exercises such as walking, running or jogging. “Exercising the body decreases a hormone called cortisol, which helps the body respond to stress, which increases when we are worried.”

It is also necessary to accompany exercise with an adequate diet. When we do not provide adequate nutrition to the brain and the body, it affects psychologically and physically,” he continued.

In that sense, he highlighted that To have good emotional health, it is essential to have a healthy lifestyle and avoid risk factors for physical illnesses. and mental such as overeating, abusing junk food or alcohol, which can cause both health and family problems.

The psychiatrist added that to complement the physical part, you can also do activities such as meditation and yoga, which help you reflect, connect the mind and body and improve emotional and physical health.

Treatment and therapy

Figueredo also indicated that to improve emotional well-being, medical treatment by a specialist such as a psychiatrist is also important, who with appropriate medication can correct the alteration of brain neurotransmitters that cause diseases such as anxiety or depression.

At the same time, he mentioned as essential add psychotherapy to complement the biological component, which may come from a situation experienced from which these psychological illnesses have been triggered. “Now, when it is minimal anxiety or depression, it can be improved with mild psychotherapy by treating only the cause or the social situation that may include overwork, relationship or economic conflicts, among others.”

The harmfulness of stress

The psychiatry expert also explained that Stress, accompanied by poor diet, a sedentary lifestyle and family history, are some of the risk factors that lead to the development of mental illnesses that affect emotional well-being and end up having consequences on the body..

Social and psychological stress is an emotional response that can trigger physical consequences and aggravate a variety of diseases and disorders such as stroke, cortisol release and blood sugar levels.

Likewise, it can interfere with sleep patterns, which in turn can lead to the progression of these physical and mental health problems. Lack of sleep has long been linked to obesity, diabetes, cardiovascular disease, decreased immune function, and mental illnesses such as depression and anxiety.

Finally, Figueredo assured that you can’t separate the mind from the body, “and if we do not have a balance between the biological, the psychological and the social, the consequences will not only be a psychological pathology but also a medical one. Since, when we are healthy we enjoy higher levels of well-being and positive emotions, while, when we get sick, we tend to worry and become depressed.”


Source: With information from Mejor Con Salud and interview

Tarun Kumar

I'm Tarun Kumar, and I'm passionate about writing engaging content for businesses. I specialize in topics like news, showbiz, technology, travel, food and more.

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