The Minister of Security, Claudio Brilloni, headed this Thursday the ceremony of delivery of diplomas of honor to officers Sánchez and Maitre for his courageous actions when confronting two dangerous criminals and for preventing the escape of prisoners from Rosario’s 10th Police Station.

On March 27, Deputy Inspector Diego Martín Sánchez was off duty when he confronted two people who were pushing a motorcycle that had an arrest warrant from the provincial prosecutor’s office, managing to recover the vehicle.

Meanwhile, on March 3, Petty Officer Diego Joaquín Maitre prevented the escape of prisoners who were detained at the 10th Police Station in Rosario. In the confrontation he was seriously injured, being transferred to the Clemente Álvarez Emergency Hospital, where he was hospitalized for more than 25 days.

In this regard, Brilloni said: “We are here to pay the corresponding honors to two police officers who have given an example of courage and courage in defense of the community, who have fully demonstrated that they have listened to the call of their vocation for service.”

“I am referring to officer Maitre, who, defending his stronghold in the 10th Police Station, put his physical integrity at risk to prevent the escape of detainees who were in that town hall; and non-commissioned officer Sánchez, who, even when he was off duty, put to flight two criminals with whom he was involved in an exchange of shots”.

And he added: “Both are a great example of this page of glory that is going to be written in the Santa Fe Police, that is why today the police chiefs accompanied by the authorities of the prison service and officials of the Ministry of Security, we convened to thank the families of these two police officers and above all the police officers of the province”.


Also present were the Secretary of Public Security, Marcos Romero; the Secretary of Criminal and Penitentiary Affairs, Walter Gálvez; the Secretary of Information Policy and Management, Jorge Fernández; the undersecretary of Preventive Security, Gustavo Pucheta; the Undersecretary of Legal and Technical, Ignacio Astegiano; the Undersecretary for Prevention and Urban Control, Priscila Villalobos; the Undersecretary for Security Policies, Facundo Bustos; the director of Well-being and Gender in the police, Luz Rondina; the director of the Penitentiary Service, Gabriel Leegstra; the chief of the Provincial Police, Martín García and the deputy chief of Police, José Senn.


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