“Enemies of democracy have developed from the Corona protest scene, who are concerned with delegitimizing the state. Above all, it is the radicalized part of the protest scene against the corona protection measures, which has developed the enemy image ‘The elites in the state’,” reports the North Rhine-Westphalian Office for the Protection of the Constitution in an evaluation that the “Rheinische Post“ is present.

Politicians, scientists and journalists probably belonged to this image of the enemy. It goes on to say: “The ‘enemies of democracy’ fundamentally reject our democratic state and are striving for a system change.”

The Office for the Protection of the Constitution warns that radicalization is increasing

The Office for the Protection of the Constitution estimates that around 50 to 70 people would form the “hard core” of the group. But the environment is much larger. The radicalized part of the corona denial scene is said to have formed a new movement after almost all COVID protective measures were lifted. In the course of this, some groups have dissolved, some have merged, others have simply renamed themselves.

The security authorities are anxious about the developments and note that radicalization is generally increasing. “This is reflected in the spoken word at meetings or in the written word in the relevant telegram channels,” said the Office for the Protection of the Constitution.

Reul: “It’s insane and lacks any logic”

In response to an “rp-online” request, the North Rhine-Westphalian Minister of the Interior, Herbert Reul, addressed the “enemies of democracy” in clear words: “Our secret service keeps a keen eye on the scene of the so-called delegitimizers. Denying Corona is one thing. It is a different matter when parts of the movement want to take the ax to the very foundations of our democracy. This is insane and devoid of any logic. Because with us, everyone can freely express their opinion and demonstrate peacefully, for or against what they want.”

Danger also emanates from Reich citizens

The Office for the Protection of the Constitution is also noting an increasing participation of people who belong to the right-wing extremist scene. There is also talk of “Reich citizens”. The scene has now gained considerable popularity nationwide. In 2022, around 23,000 people belonged to the “Reich Citizens”, around 2,000 more supporters than in the previous year, as the President of the Federal Office for the Protection of the Constitution announced a few days ago. “Reich citizens” are people who do not recognize the Federal Republic and its democratic structures. They are considered dangerous because many of them legally or illegally own weapons and some of them are willing to use them.

More and more people who reject “our” system

“Unfortunately, we have to recognize that there are more and more people who fundamentally reject our system and our community. The state community in the sense of a well-fortified democracy must position itself clearly against these forces. These people must also be confronted with criminal law,” said Düsseldorf chief public prosecutor Axel Stahl.


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