The salary that Jenni Hermoso received for giving the Chimes on TVE comes to light

It was just over five minutes. The Chimes that said goodbye to 2023 and they welcomed this year were presented on TVE by three faces that, otherwise, would have been difficult to see together on television. Ramon Garciaa regular of the format, Anna Menawhich thus culminated a dream calendar, and Jenni Hermoso, one of the great protagonists of the Spanish expedition that brought the Women’s World Cup gold from Sydney. And there the three were, on the balcony of the Puerta del Sol, during those five intense minutes.

Almost a month later it has come to light the money that each one saw for presenting the New Year’s Eve special. As the public entity has assured through a Transparency resolution revealed exclusively by The Objectiveall three received exactly the same amount: 25.000 euros.


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    From Mediaset they have decided to devote themselves completely to the broadcast of the Chimes on Telecinco, where they have Jesús Calleja and Marta Flich.

As stated in the budget annexed to the contract formalized with the production company, There is a hiring of three presenters with an expected salary of 25,000 euros each one without specifying the name of the people who will carry out that work, reads the document leaked by the aforementioned media.

However, said resolution sees it advisable to add two specific observations. First of all, that As this is data taken from the production company’s budget, we have no guarantees that it is the amount that the presenters actually receive., or that could include other concepts. Subsequently, it is indicated that this item is subject to liquidation It may happen that the final amount received by the presenters was lower.

How were the Chimes?

The curious end-of-year triumvirate on which I bet TVE He ended up winning the silver medal. Spanish Television concluded the broadcast with a 261% share and an average of 3,890,000 viewersleaving behind the solid couple that said goodbye to the year in Antenna 3: Cristina Pedroche and Alberto Chicote once again topped the audience records on New Year’s Eve thanks to a 29% share and a spectacular average of 4,300,000 viewers.

Tarun Kumar

I'm Tarun Kumar, and I'm passionate about writing engaging content for businesses. I specialize in topics like news, showbiz, technology, travel, food and more.

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