The sex of Fernando Verdasco and Ana Boyer's baby comes to light

Blow ahead of time, with strength and affection, Christmas at the door of Fernando Verdasco and Ana Boyer. On December 12, Hola! revealed that Ana had already passed the first trimester of pregnancy and that, in effect, the tennis player and Isabel Preysler’s daughter will be parents again. They would become a large family: along with little Miguel, four years old, and Mateo, two, there will be three creatures that they ran around the floor of the family house.

And now, the couple, who said I do back in 2018, has taken an expected step in the pregnancy process: that of announcing the sex of the baby they are expecting. It was the aforementioned header that, once again, has given the information about the new member of the family: about to end this calendar, Both have confirmed that the little offspring they hope to be a boy.

They later confirmed it through social networks shouting “we are very happy” and with a photograph in which husband and wife walk holding hands. Although they have not yet dropped a clue about the name they will give to the little one in the house, happiness runs, flies and sneaks in through a window that they no longer make an effort to close.

The family trip to the other side of the pond

This news comes after a trip to Miami in which they embarked together with Ana Boyer’s entire family and which she herself carried out without knowing the gender of the baby. It did not matter. Happiness was served: according to Weekthe little one was long awaited and full of hope for marriage.

Furthermore, the getaway they made to Miami took another inch off the figure of his smile; They met with Tamara Falc, igo Onieva and Isabel Preysler to celebrate Christmas in an adventure that the family had not dared to undertake for a long time. That of getting together completely.

The scene of the beautiful reunion was the home of Chabeli Iglesias: There they had dinner on Christmas Eve and ate for Christmas. Who also attended, as stated in the second mentioned magazine, was Enrique Iglesias. It was less of an adventure for him, since he lives there, but that shouldn’t have taken away from the emotionality of the scene.

Tarun Kumar

I'm Tarun Kumar, and I'm passionate about writing engaging content for businesses. I specialize in topics like news, showbiz, technology, travel, food and more.

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