This is the manifesto that Victoria Abril signed and that triggered the accusation of sexual assault

Both a drop of water and a scream break the silence, but the residue left by one is not the one that remains after the other. By that same rule, when Lucie Lucas publicly accused through social networks Victoria April of sexual assault, no one could prevent the reverberation of his words from unleashing a media earthquake. She did it in a publication by Charlotte Arnould, French actress who first denounced Grard Depardieu for rape and who was now criticizing the signatories of a manifesto in his defense. Among them, the actress from Malaga. However, What does the text say that unleashed the storm?

The writing in question was published on December 25, on Christmas Day, at ten at night. It was the newspaper Le Figaro which received the signatures of 56 personalities associated with the world of culture under the title: Don’t erase Gerard Depardieu. From the beginning they showed their will and went ahead. We are artists, writers and film producers. It is in this capacity that we express ourselves here. We do not want to get into controversy and let Justice do its job.

Cinema and theater cannot do without his personality

The intention of the writing is to move away from the social condemnations that fall on the actor, who In 2023 alone, it has accumulated around fifteen complaints for inappropriate sexual behaviorand focus on not underestimating his role as an interpreter, since they consider him the last sacred monster of cinema.

According to the document, the lynching and the torrent of hate of which, they say, he is being a victim has reached a point where he defies the presumption of innocence from which he would have benefited, like everyone else, if he were not the giant of cinema that he is. In short, they summarize their message by attacking the actor in this way by attacking art.


They say that he contributes to the influence of art and its history in Gallic lands in the highest possible way, work that he still continues to do today. And for this reason the country owes him a lot: Cinema and theater cannot do without his unique and extraordinary personality. In fact, they go so far as to affirm that censoring the actor would be a tragedy, a defeat and, furthermore, the death of art, ours. Finally, they refer to the impossibility of erasing their cinematographic trace, which they consider irreplaceable, and they leave the distant future of art in the hands of, solely and exclusively, Justice.

Among the signatories of this manifesto are actors and actresses, but also directors, scriptwriters, writers, architects, playwrights, producers, painters and singers. Victoria Abril appears, but she is not the only recognizable name on the list: Carla Bruni, Jacques Dutronc, Nadine Trintignant or Carole Bouquet They are some of those who accompanied her in a manifesto that sowed controversy with the speed with which lightning crosses the horizon on a dark night.

Tarun Kumar

I'm Tarun Kumar, and I'm passionate about writing engaging content for businesses. I specialize in topics like news, showbiz, technology, travel, food and more.

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