The US is experiencing the worst immigration crisis in history

The opinion corresponds to the expert lawyer in immigration issues, María Herrera Mellado, who added that “if the government of this country had helped immigrants come in a legal and orderly manner to join the labor market according to the needs of the United States “This crisis would not have occurred.”

The firm’s specialist Kivakilawfirm states that neither President Joe Biden nor Vice President Kamala Harris have been able to stop the immigration crisis created by both on the southern border.

“The announced programs have not had the desired results despite the White House saying otherwise from the beginning. Litigation processes in court are also costly for this administration,” according to the expert.

However, what they did win was maintaining their detention and deportation priorities in accordance with what was expressed by the Secretary of Homeland Security, Alejandro N. Mayorkas, said the analyst on immigration issues.

He recalled that the US Supreme Court granted a victory to the Joe Biden government and maintained the priorities of deportation of immigrants who pose a greater danger to public safety or who are captured at the border, while turning its back on the states of Texas and Louisiana that had argued that Federal Law obliged authorities to also detain and deport those who pose little risk.

In addition, that higher authority recognized that there is not enough money or personnel to deport the millions of people who enter the country without permission, he said.

Obvious failures

The failures are evident, the lawyer says, when measuring “the wear and tear of our security forces and forces, to the terrible perception on the part of Americans about the management of this government. The lack of trust is obvious in the latest polls.”

He was blunt in insisting that “the worst immigration crisis in recorded history is being experienced in the United States,” and in that context he considers that the massive and disorderly entry through the southern border, a situation denounced by the Democrats themselves, reveals the responsibility of all executive positions. For Herrera Mellado, it is unthinkable “that we do not react as a Nation.”

Regarding his perception of whether there will be a solution for 2024 or the same conditions will be maintained, he said that there are presidential elections in the US and “something will change, but the damage to the image of a country without borders and national security policies has no impact.” arrangement”. He added that it is difficult to attract more talent and get people to come to the US legally and orderly when delays continue and even processing times for work and family visas increase.

Permanent residences will be reduced

The Biden administration has proposed increasing U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) staffing levels or making changes to the State Department’s priority dates to reduce visa processing times. However, it is known that the number of permanent residences that this government will grant will decrease, said Herrera Mellado.

He acknowledged that states like Texas have launched their own strategy to contain the massive arrival of migrants by defining “a major offensive against the crisis created and financed by this executive.” In his opinion, all this has also led to organized crime taking advantage of immigrants.

He added that states such as Arizona, governed by the Democratic Party, or the Northeastern states have denounced the lack of cooperation and initiative on the part of Joe Biden’s government to manage the entry, often without any type of control, of millions of immigrants who have put in check. Kill cities like New York or states as rich as Massachusetts.

He considers that the key is to allow the entry of those immigrants who can be identified and do not pose a threat to National Security and can work and contribute.

When reviewing immigration programs ordered by Joe Biden’s administration, he said that the humanitarian words created in early 2023 for citizens of Cuba, Nicaragua, Venezuela and Haiti “is very debatable and discretionary.”

Likewise, when mentioning the Safe Mobility plan in countries such as Colombia, Costa Rica and Guatemala, the expert reiterated that “any program that involves the United Nations is very slow and bureaucratic because we are talking about an organization that takes years to review refugee applications.” . These, among other plans, have not given the expected results according to the records of growing irregular immigration provided by Customs and Border Protection (CBP), she said.

Programs to alleviate the crisis

These programs were approved to alleviate the effects of a crisis created and financed by the US executive. “If this government had helped immigrants come in a legal and orderly manner to join the labor market according to the needs of the country, that crisis would not have occurred. But in the pre-presidential campaign it was even said that “everyone would be welcome,” the analyst insisted.

Regarding the Temporary Protected Status program, TPS, he considers that it has been encouraging irregular immigration and reiterated that once again the security of the United States is endangered because organized crime takes advantage of every humanitarian initiative designed by this administration.

Although he agrees that the TPS has been of great help for thousands of people who at a specific time were able to benefit from this type of temporary help as citizens of Honduras, El Salvador, Haiti, Sudan or Venezuela.

“The problem is that they are not temporary even though that is what they call themselves, they become permanent without giving way to residency or citizenship, which is why many people demand that changes be made to the program while ordinary Americans do not. supports their approval”

Herrera Mellado pointed out that no one doubts that there is an unprecedented crisis in the United States. The Federal Bureau of Investigation, the Federal Investigation and Intelligence agency (FBI, for its acronym in English) warned: “There is a high risk of attacks against the United States using the lax policies of this administration. It is necessary to stop the massive and uncontrolled entry of hundreds of thousands of immigrants through the southern border.”

“It is time to take into account and put the interests and needs of the country first. We must attract talent, professionals, workers and people who emigrate in a legal and orderly manner,” concluded María Herrera Mellado.

(email protected)

Source: Interview with María Herrera Mellado

Tarun Kumar

I'm Tarun Kumar, and I'm passionate about writing engaging content for businesses. I specialize in topics like news, showbiz, technology, travel, food and more.

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