Muerte en el metro D.

The police continue working to arrest those involved in the latest homicide that occurred on the subway, whom they have already identified.

Justin Herde, Betty Cotto, and Alfredo Trinidad, who appear in the image, are linked to the fatal shooting of a passenger in the Bronx.

Last week, a 45-year-old man was shot to death aboard a car on the D train line.

Just a few weeks ago a man was stabbed in the neck at a Queens station.

The MTA has begun installing cameras inside each train car, with the goal of having all trains equipped by the end of the year.

Police urge New Yorkers to call 1-800-57-PISTA to provide any information that will help in the arrest of the identified people.

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Tarun Kumar

I'm Tarun Kumar, and I'm passionate about writing engaging content for businesses. I specialize in topics like news, showbiz, technology, travel, food and more.

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