They denounce complicity of the PSOE with the Cuban regime at the Europa Viva Forum

MIAMI.- In an energetic speech given at the Europa Viva Forum in Madrid, Orlando Gutiérrez-Boronat, coordinator of the Assembly of the Cuban Resistance (ARC), denounced the “complicity” of the Spanish Socialist Workers Party (PSOE) with the Cuban regime, accusing him of being “the bodyguard of a disastrous tyranny in the European Union.”

Gutiérrez-Boronat argued that the Cuban regime is sustained thanks to the money of European taxpayers, channeled through financing from the European Union.

“Not one more European cent for the communist tyranny in Cuba,” he exclaimed, urging the “twenty-seven European democracies” to cease this support that the ARC has been requesting in different European countries since the end of 2022.

Likewise, he highlighted that “the regime in Cuba is maintained, if you did not know, by European money, and worse still, not by the money of the states, by the money of European taxpayers.”

The opposition leader contrasted the position of the PSOE with that of the VOX party, which he thanked for its “support for the cause of Cuban freedom.”

“The relationship between Cuba and Spain must be based on mutual respect, on the evocation of freedom, like what VOX is demonstrating to Cuba,” he stated.

Gutiérrez-Boronat accused the PSOE of being “criminally complicit” in the “exploitation and oppression of the Cuban people.”

He stated that “wherever we go, we denounce the complicity, the criminal participation of the PSOE in the exploitation and oppression of the Cuban people.”

Role of the left

Furthermore, he questioned the historical role of the left in the Western Hemisphere, asking: “Where did this criminal left come from? Who trained the guerrillas? Where did the money from the kidnappings go? Where are the advisors who come to Latin America to dismantle democracy and republican institutions?”

Contrasting the “triumphant socialist narrative,” the Cuban activist denounced that the regime on the island has dedicated itself for 65 years to destroying the Cuban nation, its people, its currency, its culture and its agriculture.

In this regard, he stated that “the communist state imposed in Cuba” has been “maintained by the support of a globalist elite that used my nation as a laboratory for social experiment and created a false narrative of a triumphant socialism to sell it in the United States and elsewhere.” Europe”.

However, despite the repression, he highlighted the “heroic resistance of the Cuban people” who, in his opinion, continue fighting for their freedom.

“The Cuban people, contrary to the socialist myth, the globalist myth, have fought, are fighting and will continue fighting,” he proclaimed, ending his speech with a forceful “Long live Cuba Libre!”

Tarun Kumar

I'm Tarun Kumar, and I'm passionate about writing engaging content for businesses. I specialize in topics like news, showbiz, technology, travel, food and more.

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