They identify a Hispanic builder who died after part of a crane fell in Fort Lauderdale

Florida authorities identified the Hispanic builder who died Thursday after Part of a crane falls on a bridge in Fort Lauderdale.

Is about Jorge De la Torre27 years old, married and father of two small children, who was working in the construction of a building and fell from a height.

The tragic incident occurred at 4:30 pm on the bridge that crosses the New River, near the intersection of Southeast 4th Street and 3rd Avenue. During the process of raising the height of the crane, a platform collapsed next to other metal parts.

In addition to the deceased worker, three other people (two men and a woman) who were traveling in their cars suffered injuries and had to be taken to Broward Hospital, although they have already been discharged.

On Friday, De la Torre’s relatives went to the construction site to look for his suitcase, backpack and other personal items.

“Basically, a piece of the construction crane fell from the building above. One person died and two cars were also hit and three people had minor injuries, two people were transported to the hospital,” said Greg Chavarría, city manager. quoted by America TeVe.

Debris that fell on the bridge opened a hole in the road, causing it to close.

The mayor of Fort Lauderdale reported that workers repaired the damage to the bridge at night. After inspectors evaluated its correct operation, vehicular, pedestrian and maritime traffic was reopened on Friday morning.

The crane that partially collapsed is used in the construction of the Riverwalk apartment building, which will have 43 floors and commercial spaces.

According to Univisionthe work is by Kast Construction, a company based in West Palm Beach, which according to public records, last year incurred two violations of the OSHA occupational safety and health administration, in other works.

Tarun Kumar

I'm Tarun Kumar, and I'm passionate about writing engaging content for businesses. I specialize in topics like news, showbiz, technology, travel, food and more.

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