Three Cuban students conquer TikTok by dancing to "A copy of me" by Charly and Johayron

Three young Cuban students from dental school in Florida conquered TikTok with a dance to the rhythm of the song “A copy of me”, by Charly & Johayron.

The video was shared on the TikTok account of the user @taliafragosowhere we see the three Cuban women in their uniforms moving to the rhythm of the Cuban duo’s musical success, a song that is sweeping digital platforms, YouTube and social networks.

The clip shared by Talía Fragoso has thousands of views on TikTok, where she posted it under the title: “Las del selito original.” About the video she wrote “Three Cubans in Dental School”, a dance that has earned the approval of the social network’s netizens.

Furthermore, in this young Cuban’s account we also found another video from another challenge that is sweeping social networks, the one with the song “You have to be born again.”

Tarun Kumar

I'm Tarun Kumar, and I'm passionate about writing engaging content for businesses. I specialize in topics like news, showbiz, technology, travel, food and more.

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