Trump asks Supreme Court to override veto in Colorado primaries

MIAMI.- The ex-president Donald Trump (2017 – 2021) He was the only one who left behind the war policy that the American rulers have maintained since the Second World War (1939 – 1945) in defense of the economic potential of the United States, said the political analyst and president of the Democratic Junta Civil Association of Spain. Ruben Gisbert.

Far from popular belief, which placed the former Republican president as a warmongering man, who could make “the world explode,” Trump was reluctant to maintain “endless wars” in Iraq and Afghanistan, and start new war conflicts in the world.

Gisbert indicated that this position of the president is in line with his defense of the Monroe Doctrine, developed in 1823 by John Q. Adams and attributed to former president James Monroe, which is summarized in the phrase “America for Americans”. This doctrine is based on three fundamental principles: non-colonization, non-intervention and isolation.

Trump did not start new wars

“What this man (Trump) is doing is defending the Monroe Doctrine, which was ‘America for the Americans’, which ended when Roosevelt arrived and the Second World War, where The entire North American economy was directed to manufacturing Shermans (war tanks), destroyers, ammunition and battleships to make fleets for war,” he expressed during the Spanish podcast WORLDCA$T.

He stated that the only one who broke with that policy was Donald Trump. “I don’t know he got into any war, which was the only thing he didn’t want.. He (Trump) said to stop China we have to stop thinking that we are in two blocks, that we are going to defend ourselves from the USSR, because that is leading us to defense spending is the largest in the world, but with a big difference, and we have to invest that potential in being competitive in the company (USA). “That’s what Trump was saying, who can be against that?” he added.

The former president said goodbye to the White House in January 2021 “especially proud” for being the “first president in decades who has not started new wars”.

Shortly afterward he acknowledged that this did not win him the “love” of the military sector. “The soldiers are (“in love”), but the Pentagon bosses probably aren’t because all they want to do is fight wars so that all those wonderful companies that make bombs and planes and everything else are happy,” Trump said at the time.

Trump’s anti-war stance was confirmed with the almost complete withdrawal of US troops from Iraq and Afghanistan, and the return of most of the soldiers who were stationed in northern Syria, a decision that earned him the resignation of his Secretary of Defense. , General James Mattis.

Military expenses

The former Republican president has been critical of the expense that military offensives represent for the United States, which is currently the country that allocates the most money to the armed forces.

In 2022, military spending amounted to 877 billion dollarswhich meant an increase of almost $200 billion compared to the spending incurred in 2021.

“I am not a supporter of everything Trump says by any means, but I am in favor of the United States not wanting to impose its hegemony through bombs (…) and saying to Europe, ‘We are economic partners, but from now on you contribute some Defense so that I can invest in other things,’” Gisbert considered.

In his opinion, the only ones who can be against this position are those who “live directly or indirectly by being the prostitutes of what exists now, who live from that.”

“They live by saying ‘no, no, not without the United States. Here we would speak Russian if it were not for the United States, if it were not for NATO we would see portraits of Putin everywhere,’” he emphasized.

Source: With information from WORLDCA$T / El Confidencial

Tarun Kumar

I'm Tarun Kumar, and I'm passionate about writing engaging content for businesses. I specialize in topics like news, showbiz, technology, travel, food and more.

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