You are currently viewing Ukraine has liberated more than 54% of the territory occupied by the Russians since the beginning of the invasion, the head of the US army says

The Ukrainian army has liberated more than 54% of the country’s territory occupied by Russian troops in the last 19 months, the US Army Chief of Staff, General Mark Milley, said on Tuesday, quoted by CNN.

General Mark MilleyPhoto: Kevin Dietsch/Getty Images/Profimedia Images

The head of the US military said that every Ukrainian advance and “every inch of territory regained” is due to the “courage, merit and incredible sacrifice made by the Ukrainian people and their military. Ukraine continues to make deliberate and steady progress in freeing its land from Russian occupation.”

“To date, Ukraine has liberated more than 54 percent of Ukrainian territory occupied by Russia and continues to maintain the strategic initiative,” General Mark Milley told a news conference after a meeting of the Contact Group for the Defense of Ukraine held at the base American Ramstein Airline from Germany.

The 54 percent of the territory refers to territory liberated from Russia’s February 2022 invasion of Ukraine, Milley’s spokesman, Col. Dave Butler, said later Tuesday, including areas around Kiev, Kharkiv and Kherson.


Tarun Kumar

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