Chile identifies 2 suspects in the kidnapping of a political prisoner from the Maduro regime

CARACAS.- The Unitary Platformrepresentative of the Venezuelan oppositionexpressed his deep regret at the kidnapping and subsequent murder of the former Venezuelan military officer Ronald Ojeda in Chile.

In a statement released through its social networks, the Unitary Platform expressed its deepest condolences to the family and friends of Ojeda, who was a refugee in Chile due to political persecution by the Nicolás Maduro regime.

Ojeda’s body was found last Friday, March 1, inside a suitcase that was buried under a cement structure in Maipú, an area located in the southeast of the Chilean capital, which generated great consternation in the Venezuelan community in the abroad.

In that sense, the organization demanded that the Chilean authorities carry out an exhaustive investigation to clarify the facts and bring those responsible to justice, both the material authors and the intellectuals behind this reprehensible crime. So far, a 17-year-old Venezuelan teenager has been detained as a suspect, facing charges of kidnapping and homicide in connection with the case.

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Agreement between Chile and the Maduro regime?

This Sunday, the Venezuelan newspaper The reason He stated that on January 18, in Caracas, an agreement was signed that promotes and improves police collaboration between Chile and Venezuela. At this ceremony, Manuel Monsalve, Chilean Undersecretary of the Interior, would have been present, along with Iván Hernández Dala, head of the Venezuelan DGCIM.

In this sense, Hernández Dala would have requested Chile’s collaboration in the capture of Ojeda. It is relevant to highlight that this kidnapping occurred 33 days after the signing of the agreement between both countries, this being the DGCIM’s first operational incursion abroad.

For his part, Monsalve flatly denied the Venezuelan media’s accusations, calling them “a total lie.” Furthermore, he maintained that his job is to carry out relations with other countries, including Venezuela, and emphasized that said agreement is public and that his trip to Caracas was transparent, with the presence of Chilean diplomatic and police authorities.

“The publication suggests that we agreed to commit a crime of kidnapping and to violate the sovereignty of the country. Does a statement of this nature make sense to you? “Does it seem sensible to you to think that our police forces are collaborating in the commission of acts of that nature?” added the official.

The Chilean Undersecretary of the Interior pointed out that accusing the police of both countries of collaborating in crimes of this nature lacks foundations and evidence. Finally, he urged journalistic responsibility, warning that La Razón is a foreign media with a clear political orientation and that its information, according to the official, lacks “solid foundations.”

Source: With information from Europa Press / La Razón / CHV News

Tarun Kumar

I'm Tarun Kumar, and I'm passionate about writing engaging content for businesses. I specialize in topics like news, showbiz, technology, travel, food and more.

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