Venezuelan prepares for the Miami Film Festival with raw pear

MIAMI.- The editor and post-producer Venezuelan Mariela Farfn is preparing to present her debut opera, Managein the 41st edition of the Miami Dinner Festival of the MDC, in the MIA Short Film Award category.

With experience in the industry, Farfán also enjoys his role as a documentary filmmaker to be able to create his own stories, tell them from his perspective, vision and ideals, just as happened with Manage.

He documentary film of eight minutes is a condensed tour of the more than 40 years of Agustín Ganza’s work in the city of Miami and his dedication, since he was young, to painting, drawing and ceramics. Ganza emotionally tells how he overcame his parents’ opposition by following his vocation and studying painting in secret. Also, he paid the price for opposing the Cuban regime: imprisoned for his political ideas, he watched as guards destroyed his work of art. After this event, the artist migrated to Miami in 1979 and established Ganza Art Gallery on 8th Street in 2001.

creation process

The message is one of improvement in every sense. He has strived since his childhood to be a painter and he achieved it. If you enjoy what you do and can make a living from it, you have already earned heaven. You can tell a story through the beautiful and the happy, the world has a lot of unhappiness and sadness, (a phrase that I stole from Ganza that he says in the film), that people are entertained and inspired, said Mariela Farfn in a statement. .

It really took me a long time to make this documentary. I recorded it in 2016, then many things happened: Flor Rodríguez – who is the producer of the short – and I changed jobs; Besides, she moved out of state and the project had been left behind in a drawer. One day I heard: ‘if you don’t finish what you started, that energy remains unfinished and you don’t make way for anything’, so I reviewed the material and decided to finish it in 2023, he added regarding the production of the debut opera.

Now, Mariela Farfn will screen the short on April 12 at the Miami Film Festival, which will take place from April 5 to 14 at the Bill Cosford Cinema

Venezuelan filmmaker career

Mariela Farfn studied at the Buenos Aires Documentary Film School Observatory. In her more than 15 years of experience, she edits multiple formats and specializes in editing newscasts, novels, television programs. realitydocumentaries and digital media, in English and Spanish, has been awarded a 2019 Emmy Award for the documentary For the Children By the Children, of which he was in charge of editing and post-production. In 2023 she was awarded The Telly Awards for the editing of the program A Tiny Audience (HBO Max) and nominated for multiple Emmys for her work in the short documentaries A Day Under My Skin y Away From Home, among various recognitions.

In addition to directing projects and teams, he also has experience in cinematography and content creation for digital platforms. She has been an editor for Discovery Channel, Venevisin, DirecTV, Mega TV, Caracol, Yahoo, Latam, MTV, Canal Sur Per, Televisa, Telemundo, NBCUniversal and HBOMax.

Among his recent projects are the series of reality Look Who’s Dancing! Univision All Stars and the International Emmy-nominated music and talk show A Tiny Audience (HBO Max) y The Comeback Stage / La Voz US (Telemundo).

Tarun Kumar

I'm Tarun Kumar, and I'm passionate about writing engaging content for businesses. I specialize in topics like news, showbiz, technology, travel, food and more.

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