You are currently viewing VIDEO Deputies debated the simple motion against the Minister of Health / How Rafila responds

The Chamber of Deputies debated on Monday the simple motion against the Minister of Health, Alexandru Rafila. The USR deputies displayed placards in plenary with the message Hospitals do not speak empty and others demanding his resignation. In response, the Minister of Health said from the podium that the opposition’s approach is “just an area of ​​slander on the part of some politicians in a rush for notoriety and votes”.

Rafila in Parliament Photo: Inquam Photos / Octav Ganea

“I appreciate criticism, if it is done in good faith and it corresponds to reality, because it can lead to the improvement of some activities. Unfortunately, as they disappointed when they were in government, the signatories of this motion continue to do so from the Opposition. I have not seen any sign of good faith on the part of the USR and the Right Force. Lies, repeated slander, misinformation are the ingredients of the text of the motion filed against me. It’s just an area of ​​slander and denial of evidence by some politicians who are in a rush for notoriety and for votes”, said Alexandru Rafila, during the debate of the simple motion of USR parliamentarians and the Forţa Dreptei party addressed to him, in Monday’s plenary session of the Chamber of Deputies.

The simple motion submitted by USR and Forța Dreptei is entitled “Minister Rafila – the lazy and cynical tourist who leaves Romania without hospitals”.

The text of the motion was read at the beginning of the meeting by USR deputy Tudor Pop. The vote will be given in Wednesday’s plenary session of the Chamber of Deputies.

The opposition accused the Minister of Health of being unable to manage the National Recovery and Resilience Plan. “The great specialist Rafila drew up the National Plan to Combat Cancer, without any empathy and consideration for cancer patients. He proved his complete indifference to the health of Romanians and by refusing to elaborate, for almost two years, the rules for the application of the law “Stop nosocomiales!”, USR also transmitted.

Tarun Kumar

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