“Vladimir Putin is behaving like a Nazi in Ukraine”, says Bernard-Henri Lévy

On the same subject

"Vladimir Putin behaves like a Nazi in Ukraine"believes Bernard-Henri Lévy

“Vladimir Putin is behaving like a Nazi in Ukraine”, says Bernard-Henri Lévy

Ukraine: the impossible mourning of the inhabitants of Boutcha, almost a year after the massacre

Ukraine: the impossible mourning of the inhabitants of Boutcha, almost a year after the massacre

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Joe Biden, President of the United States: “We will continue to defend freedom no matter what”

In Ukraine, 100km from the front, a French farmer resists and continues to work

In Ukraine, 100km from the front, a French farmer resists and continues to work

Joe Biden is expected at the Royal Palace in Warsaw on Tuesday for a speech in support of Ukraine

Joe Biden is expected at the Royal Palace in Warsaw on Tuesday for a speech in support of Ukraine

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Andreas Gallozzi, French fighter killed in Ukraine: “His commitment was stronger than the rest” explains his mother

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The historic handshake between Biden and Zelensky in kyiv, a year after the start of the war in Ukraine

The historic handshake between Biden and Zelensky in kyiv, a year after the start of the war in Ukraine

The image of Biden alongside Zelensky on the streets of kyiv, almost a year after the start of the war

The image of Biden alongside Zelensky on the streets of kyiv, almost a year after the start of the war

Ukraine: a year after the start of the war, the city of Irpin is struggling to rebuild

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The Ukrainian winners of Eurovision 2022, Kalush Orchestra, on BFMTV

The Ukrainian winners of Eurovision 2022, Kalush Orchestra, on BFMTV