voting rights for immigrants

The fight continues to achieve the implementation of the municipal law that grants the right to vote in electoral processes in our city, both to legal resident New Yorkers and those who have a work permit.

The legislation is currently on hold following two court rulings.

Now in one of the latest efforts, supporters of the legislation are attempting to take the case to New York state’s highest court.

Eva Santos is part of the intervenors in the ongoing lawsuit regarding this law and joins us in Dialogue with the Community to talk with Philp Klint about this topic.


1. Eva, let’s start by remembering how the case is going. The City Council passed the voting rights law in December 2021.

But after it went into effect, a lower court decision stopped the measure as unconstitutional in response to a lawsuit filed by a group of Republicans.

Last month, the state’s appeals division upheld that conclusion.

Now you and other voters interested in defending the law seek to appeal again to the highest court. What are your hopes that the court will agree to take the case? What exactly are they asking for?

2. What happens if the supreme court decides to consider the case? What can we expect?

3. And what happens if the court denies the request? Is there any alternative so that non-citizens can vote in municipal elections?

4. We know that the City Council has also expressed its intention to appeal again. How do you consider this?

4. Eva, you are a DACA beneficiary. You are also a mother and have lived in New York for 25 years since you arrived from the Dominican Republic. Explain to us why it is important for you to be able to elect local officials.


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Tarun Kumar

I'm Tarun Kumar, and I'm passionate about writing engaging content for businesses. I specialize in topics like news, showbiz, technology, travel, food and more.

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