His trip to France canceled, Charles will go directly to Berlin, for his first state visit as king, from March 29 to 31.

King Charles must go directly to Germany for his first state visit, after the cancellation of his trip to France, due to the social conflict around the pension reform. He will therefore go to Berlin on Wednesday March 29, for this state visit which should “open a new chapter in Anglo-German relations”, according to the Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung which evokes “three days of royal splendor in Berlin”. He will leave on

It is the German President, Frank-Walter Steinmeier, Head of State, and his wife Elke Büdenbender, who will accompany the King and his wife, Queen Consort Camilla.

• Wednesday March 29

The couple will be greeted at the airport by 21 cannon shots. He will then be entitled, and this is a first, to military honors at the Brandenburg Gate, and not at the Château de Bellevue, the German equivalent of the Elysée.

The King will then meet, around 4 p.m. during a reception organized by the President at the Château de Bellevue, various actors from the worlds of politics, research, the economy and civil society involved in energy transition and sustainable development. . A domain, which we know, is dear to Charles.

The state banquet will be held the same evening, still at the Château de Bellevue, in the company of 130 guests, according to the Spiegel. They will be served, specifies the weekly a menu composed of four dishes, for the time being kept secret.

• Thursday March 30

The next morning, Charles will sign the Berlin City Guest Book and meet the local Anne Hidalgo, Franziska Giffey. Olaf Scholz, the German Chancellor, will then welcome Charles to the Federal Chancellery.

At noon, the king will address deputies in the Bundestag, the German parliament. This speech should be interspersed with passages in German, specifies the HE DOES. The King has already delivered a speech there in November 2020, on the occasion of Remembrance Day commemorations. He had mentioned the friendship between the United Kingdom and Germany.

Charles will then visit Tegel, the center that welcomes refugees from Ukraine.

Then the king will go to Finowfurt, about fifty kilometers north of Berlin, to greet the soldiers of the German-British battalion, in the presence of the Minister-President of the Land of Brandenburg Dietmar Woidke.

For her part, the queen consort will visit the Berlin Comic Opera with the wife of the German president, Elke Büdenbender. This former judge, left her job at the investiture of her husband in 2017.

In the afternoon, Charles will be able to give free rein to his passion for ecology, during a visit to the eco-village of Brodowin, which, as shown on its website, is eagerly awaiting a visit from the king.

The Brodowin eco-village website, which King Charles is due to visit on March 30, 2023.
The website of the Brodowin eco-village, which King Charles is due to visit on March 30, 2023. © Screenshot – ökodorf Brodowin

• Friday March 31

On Friday, the last day of this state visit, the king will travel to Hamburg, in northern Germany, by train. The German president will also be on the trip.

At Hamburg station, he will go to meditate in front of a monument called “Children’s transport – the last farewell”, a bronze sculpture in tribute to Jewish children sent to the United Kingdom during the Second World War.

Charles will then lay a wreath on the ruins of the Saint-Nicolas church, a church destroyed during the war by the Allied bombings. The place has become a memorial in honor of the victims of Nazism.

He will then wander around the Town Hall market, after being received at the town hall, and will visit the port.

Camilla will visit a primary school during this time, together with Elke Bündenbender.

The visit to Hamburg will end with a reception at the British Embassy.


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